I saw a toilet in my dream…

Toilet in my dreamDream:  I saw a toilet in my dream. What does this mean?

DreamsMaster: A toilet in a dream can mean different things to different people, but it most commonly represents a need to release unpleasant but natural feelings. Similarly, dreaming of having to use a toilet but there being none available often represents an obstacle to expressing these emotions. Something to ask yourself is whether the obstacle to releasing these feelings is external (a real or perceived threat from another person or situation) or internal (your own sense of shame or guilt).

Was the toilet clean or filthy? This could represent the type of feelings needing expression. A clean toilet may be an invitation to release emotions perceived as more positive, such as love and joy. A dirty toilet may represent less acceptable feelings such as anger and jealousy. Another aspect to consider is whether or not there was a need to “hold it in” and/or an inability to do so, which would be a metaphor for trying to control or fearing losing control of one’s emotions.

Was the toilet in a private space or out in the open? This could represent a sense of vulnerability about expressing these feelings.

What was on your mind the night before you had this dream? See if you can relate any events or feelings in the waking world with the events or feelings in the dream.

Ah, and let’s not overlook the potential literal meaning… a dream about a toilet is sometimes just our sleeping mind’s way of telling us our body needs to wake up and go use one!

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