Tag Archive: wisdom

Man predicts 2016 Cubs win in a dream…

Published Nov. 4, 2016 on the Huffington Post:

Man Who Predicted Cubs Win In 1993 Yearbook Finally Speaks

As a psychic, Michael Lee is batting 1.000.

Back in 1993, Lee predicted in his yearbook picture that the Chicago Cubs would win the 2016 World Series, adding, “You heard it here first.”

Predicts cubs win in yearbookThe yearbook photo went viral after the Cubs made it to the World Series for the first time since 1945.

But Lee, now a 41-year-old software engineer living in the Chicago suburbs, kept a low profile by design.

“My attitude was, ‘You have to play the games,’” he told The Huffington Post. “I didn’t want to be a distraction. The players shouldn’t be asked about my prediction.”

Ah yes, the prediction. It may have been printed in the yearbook 23 years ago, but Lee said it actually came to him in a dream in 1983.

“I saw the words, ‘Cubs World Champions 2016’ on the Wrigley Field sign and I heard Harry Caray calling home runs,” he said.

Lee may have predicted it, but he actually forgot about it until former classmate Marcos Meza reminded him, according to WGN TV.

“When [Lee and I] connected on Facebook in 2009 I sent him the photo and told him we were nearing 2016. He posted the photo of his prediction on August 8th,” Meza told the station. “After my Dodgers lost it was time for me to make this go viral and BeLEEve in the Cubs for 2016.”

Lee had hoped that the prediction might come true last year when they almost fulfilled a prediction made in 1989’s “Back To The Future II.”

“When it didn’t happen,” he said, “I thought maybe they’ll do it next year.”

Lee tried to put the prediction out of his mind during the games, but had a good feeling during the rain delay during Game 7.

“Going into the 10th inning, I thought this might be good for the Cubs since they were deeper,” he said.

Once the 108-year drought was ended, Lee said his phone practically broke because so many people were calling to congratulate him.

“I’ve never texted so many people at once,” he laughed. “My brothers, Dad and I were happy.”

Lee couldn’t have predicted the media interest in him after his Cubs prediction came true. He’s skeptical that people can predict the future to begin with.

“I think this is really a very extreme coincidence,” he said. “Does it blow my mind? A little.”

Cubs win T-shirtAlthough Lee could rest on his laurels, and possibly never buy another beer in his life thanks to grateful Cubs fans, he’s trying to use his newfound fame for good.

Lee is marketing a line of T-shirts featuring his now-famous yearbook photo and the phrase “You Heard It Here First”

He says he plans to donate proceeds to charities that focus on stomping out bullying.

“They won’t stop it by themselves,” he said, “but it will give funding to defray this activity and maybe quell that behavior.”

Being pursued and didn’t know why…

Being pursuedDreamI was in this town on the edge of the woods, very beautiful, but I was being pursued and didn’t know why. I came to the edge of this creek and took my boots off to cross, when this beautiful girl asks me what on earth I was doing. I told her I was trying to get away, although I wasn’t really scared or nervous. I crossed the creek and  proceeded to a house, which I knew was an elderly couple’s who had recently passed away. The house was unlocked and I thought I could hide out there. It was a massive two story house overlooking town with a hallway upstairs with windows. I looked out the window and noticed a cop (very traditional 1920’s uniform on). He saw me and began to alert other officers.  I quickly bolted down the stairs and out the back door. Before me was this large open field with a slight hill and woods approximately half mile away. I began to run across this field from the cops. I noticed when I was running I wasn’t nervous or scared of capture, as if it was a game. As I was running I felt as if my boots were heavier then normal. When I reached the woods I heard the sound of dogs so I knew that they had got dogs to track me. So I thought I could lose them in the smokey forest ahead (a large forest with smoke and fog so thick I couldn’t see but a foot in front of me). As I was heading to the smoky woods the girl appeared again and this time wanted to go with me. We ran into the smoke and ran for what felt like a long time. I knew we lost the authorities because I couldn’t hear the dogs anymore. We came to this cliff and jumped into this giant well of water, not knowing for sure there was water due to the fog and mist (as if it was a leap of faith). We survived, and after exiting the water we were in a familiar place on a dirt road. We saw a motel so we ran to it. It was run by an older couple and they agreed to give us a room. We stayed in the room together for what felt like a couple days. I got this feeling that we were gonna be caught. Sure enough, I opened the door to the room and I could hear a private detective asking the couple about us. We then decided it was time to give ourselves up. I had this odd feeling that I was going to be able to get the private detective to let us go. I was somewhat disappointed that we didn’t finish whatever journey we were on, and I was sad to be separated from this girl. Then I woke up.

DreamsMaster: What an involved dream! What particularly strikes me is the amount of confidence and faith you exude throughout the adventure. Despite all of the obstacles and challenges, the whole thing feels like a game to you, not to be taken too seriously. I don’t know you personally or what current life challenges you face, but the message that comes through to me from this dream is that you are fully capable of handling whatever is thrown in your path. And even if you don’t succeed in crossing the desired finish line of this particular leg of life’s journey, you will be all the more enriched for trying.

That said, let’s get down to more detailed dream interpretation. There’s so much to this dream, I’ll just go with the symbols that feel the strongest to me. As I put my ideas forward (my own projections), look internally for more pieces of the puzzle to reveal themselves to you.

These symbols appear multiple times:

  • Boots (taking them off to cross the creek; feeling heavy while running): A form of protection; sense of groundedness
  • Water (creek, giant well): Emotional/spiritual state
  • Trees (woods, smokey forest): Obscure one’s direction or path
  • Elderly couples (in both instances, the owner of dwellings): Could represent wisdom that comes with age and experience
  • Shelter (house, motel): Often represent one’s ego or self – the house is massive, multi-dimensional, with windows to a full view; the motel is a temporary dwelling, a place to hide out
  • The Law (old-fashioned cop, private detective): one’s conscience or superego
  • The Edge (of the woods, of the creek, of a cliff): a metaphor for living on the edge?
  • Beautiful girl (in both cases appears just ahead of immersing in water): The yin to your yang; inner harmony and balance

And this thread throughout:

  • Being pursued
  • Trying to get away
  • Hiding out
  • Running
  • And finally, peaceful surrender

As I run through this exercise and project my own meanings onto your dream, I arrive at this message, phrased as if it were my dream:

I have a desire to make certain life choices that may not be completely acceptable to others or to myself. A wise part of myself is in support of these riskier choices, and feels safe to take a leap of faith. Another part of myself is trying to stop me from veering away from the more conventional or righteous path. Both of these sides are equally compelling and I will be fine with whichever direction I take, but I may be somewhat disappointed and experience a sense of loss if I surrender to the more righteous path.

See also:

Buddhist monk with one eye…

Buddhist monkDream: I met a Buddhist monk with only one eye (the right eye). I bent with my hands together and then reached out to touch him. He gently pushed my hand away and said firmly no. Then he reached out and grasped my head in his hands and I could both sense and feel the need to humble myself before him. I went down onto one knee, then the other one eventually I was on both knees, head bowed in supplication before him. I could sense a clear energy flowing through his hands into me. My wife was standing nearby and called out not to worry that he was the water priest.

DreamsMaster: A few dominant themes stand out in this dream. Here are my projections onto these themes – consider if any fit for you, or if they spark other insights…

Buddhist monk with only one eye (the right eye): Spiritual guide; seer; visionary; right eye could represent the dominant eye, singular point of vision.

Rejected attempt to touch him: You cannot gain strength from reaching out to him; he must be in control and reach out to you.

Energy flowing through his hands into me: Personal empowerment; strong message about important life lesson trying to make its way into you.

Water priest: In the gaming world, the water priest defends the Life realm from intruders, casts defensive magic to protect their allies. Looking at what a “water priest” might mean outside the gaming world, “water” in dreams often represents our emotional or spiritual base, while a “priest” is a spiritual guide (similar to a Buddhist monk).

In summary, the dream appears to be sending a message about the direction you must take in order to achieve a desired sense of spiritual enlightenment or personal empowerment. It’s not about reaching out to find it… it’s about being open-minded and allowing it to find you.

Go get the bananas…

Go get the bananasDream: I dreamed my fiancé and I met in the African village and then went to the farm and saw the bananas on the other side and my fiancé said to me “Go get the bananas on the other side of the river and bring them back” and then I refused and told my fiancé to go get the bananas. My fiancé refused and told me to go get the bananas. Then we saw a snake in the water and my fiancé bought me a piece of wood and told me to go and kill the snake. Then I refused and told her to go kill the snake. Then she refused. Then all of a sudden, we are in a tree and my fiancé is singing in the wrong notes to me. Then I saw my granddad and he asked “What are you doing in the tree”, then I woke up.

DreamsMaster: This dream appears to be illustrating conflict between your fiancé and you, specifically around issues of power and control. I see two examples of this in the dream, one in regards to fetching bananas (may symbolize sustenance) and the other in regards to killing a snake (may symbolize protection). Your fiancé expects you to address these basic needs, but you deflect back to her, and she deflects back to you, with no apparent resolution. Is this a pattern between the two of you in your waking life? In other words, do the two of you get stuck when it comes to negotiation and conflict resolution?

All of a sudden you’re in a tree. This could represent trying to rise above or escape from the conflict. To no avail, as the “disharmony” (singing wrong notes) is present even there. Perhaps your granddad represents your inner wisdom, recognizing the futility of your current mode of trying to escape the conflict. If so, consider this: What would your granddad advise in your current situation?

See also:

The tortoise and the mall…

MallDream:  I dreamt about many tortoises big and small. The leader of them was my grandmother who has passed on. They were on their way to the shopping mall. As I went to kiss her she smelled like pee and I just walked away thru all of them and left my mother with them alone at the mall.

DreamsMaster:  Tortoises in dreams frequently represent ancient wisdom, in more modern times represented by the saying “slow and steady wins the race” as in the story of the tortoise and the hare. A tortoise may also represent “carrying the world on your back”, while the shell itself represents a layer of protection.  What do you personally think of when you think of a tortoise?

Next, what is your personal association to a mall? Would it be a normal occurrence for your mother and grandmother to go to the mall? If it were my dream, going to a conventional mall might represent taking on commonplace and conventional values.

In the dream, your grandmother is the leader of the pack. Was this true when she was alive? In other words, was she the matriarch or symbolic head of the family, the carrier of “ancient” or “conventional” wisdom? After she passed on, did your mom step into this role, just as she does in the dream?

Then there’s the detail about your grandmother smelling like pee when you went to kiss her. Was the kiss an overture of intimacy or obligation? And then you were turned off by the smell of pee. Repulsed, turned off, turned away. To urinate or defecate in a dream may represent expression of unpleasant feelings. When I project myself into your dream, I interpret this scene as feeling obligated to demonstrate respect for my grandmother, yet being repulsed by her feelings about things, perhaps her position or outlook on life.

You included a note about your personal life circumstances (which I’m omitting in this public post). How do you feel your grandmother would have reacted to your current situation? Your mother? Do you feel their values are more “ancient” or out-dated than yours in regards to this life path? At the end of the dream, you move ahead and leave them behind. The pack is moving too slowly for you, and you need to move on. Think about how this theme may fit in your waking world – how the matriarchs and others in your family or social network are moving too slowly for you – you have the need to move on ahead.

Submit a dream of your own to the DreamsMaster…