Tag Archive: visitations

Warning from a dead friend…

Warning from a dead friendDream: In my dream I got a warning from a dead friend telling me to tell my brother to be careful. What does this mean?

DreamsMaster: Dreams have many layers of meaning, and I don’t rule out the possibility of spirits communicating to us through our dreams. Regardless if this message came directly from your dead friend or if this friend in the dream is symbolic, it’s quite possible that you intuitively sense your brother is in some type of risky situation, and the dream is sending you a message to take action to protect him.

On a symbolic level, your deceased friend could be a shadow figure, a part of you that may be somewhat hidden from yourself and that you’ve projected onto this friend. For example, in your waking world you may be reluctant to confront others, but this friend or shadow represents a side of you that has the courage and assertiveness to speak your mind. Think about how you would describe this friend, what personality traits you would ascribe to him or her. Then, consider how you identify with those traits personally, and this may help you understand why this particular friend has appeared in the dream. Warning your brother on behalf of this person could be a way of drawing courage of your own to approach him about a situation you perceive to be risky or threatening.

Your brother in the dream may be literal or symbolic as well. On a literal level, as mentioned previously you may be intuiting that your brother is indeed in a precarious situation that you feel the need to warn him about. If it doesn’t feel like it fits that your brother himself needs to be warned, then it’s possible your brother may be a symbolic representation of yourself or someone else in your life. Just as suggested you do with the friend, think about how you would describe your brother, and then consider where in your life you identify with him and may need to be cautious yourself.

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Felt a presence in my room…

Felt a presence in my roomDream: This morning I woke up when I felt a presence in my room. A set of arms pulled the covers over my shoulders and then they hugged me. When I woke up there was no one there in the room. I wasn’t scared but felt a presence in my room…a sweet secure presence almost smiling. What does this mean?

DreamsMaster: This sounds like a visitation more than a dream. Did anyone close to you pass away recently? Or, did the time of the dream correspond with an anniversary of someone’s death?

Not everyone believes in such a thing as visitations, but I’ve personally had a similar experience and others have confided in such experiences as well. When they occur, I consider them a gift and don’t go into interpretation the same way as I would a dream. So from my perspective, I’d say you received a very special gift.

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Cut the cord…

Cut the cordDream: My dad passed away going on two years now. I dreamt that I was at a wedding and I walked upstairs and into my grandmother’s bedroom (my dad’s mother who is also deceased). I saw a figure lying in her bed with the covers pulled up over the head. I pulled the covers down and it was my dad. My first time dreaming about him since he passed away. He was asleep and never opened his eyes. In a joking way he asked me why did I make him cut the cord. Then he says “You know you’ re pregnant right? and it’s a boy.” Then at the end of the dream I was carrying a baby boy that appeared to be my dad.

DreamsMaster: My sense is this is a very special dream. It has elements of healing and new life, and also has the feel of a visitation, as if your dad’s spirit has actually found its way to you through your dream.

When I project myself into your dream, these themes call out to me:

– Wedding: A transition to a new chapter in life.

– Cut the cord: Also a transition, from parent-child dependence to independence.

– Pregnant: Creation of new life, bringing new life into the world. This could be literal, if you’re in a stage of life where having a child is a possibility, or it could be a metaphor for a new sense of self evolving inside you.

– Carrying a baby boy that may be your dad: Similar to the theme of pregnancy, this could have literal meaning as well as metaphorical meaning. In a literal sense, you may be carrying a child that has your dad’s spirit within. In a metaphorical sense, this could represent your new role in life… whereas once you were dependent on your father to carry you or take care of you, now the tables are turned — you are the adult and it’s up to you to be in the adult, care-giving role.

All of these images represent transition and new life. The fact that this is the first time you’ve had a dream about your dad since he passed away says to me that you are transitioning to a new level of acceptance in regards to the cycle of grief and loss. Death and birth are interrelated. Death is an ending, and birth a beginning. This dream appears to me as a gift signifying new beginnings for you.

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Most popular dreams this month on Dreams.com…

Most Popular Dreams This Month

Check out this month’s most popular dreams on Dreams.com! Out of the dozens of dreams posted to Dreams.com to date, these six captured the most views in the past month.

They tease me now, telling me it was only a dream. But does it matter whether it was a dream or reality, if the dream made known to me the truth?

– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Thin ice and mice…

MiceDream: For the past two nights I’ve dreamed of my deceased dad in bed. On both occasions he never spoke. One dream I was walking on ice that was about to break, but i jumped into the bed he was on and the ice stop breaking. The other bed dream there were mice infested in the room we were in.

DreamsMaster: A bed often represents a resting place, and since your deceased dad is in bed in both dreams, perhaps this is a way of you coming to terms with him “resting in peace”. The fact that both dreams are anxiety-provoking leads me to think that something unsettling is going on in your waking life, and perhaps you’re wishing you had your dad to turn to for help.

There’s a clear metaphor in the first dream: Where in your life do you feel you’re “walking on thin ice”, or in a precarious situation? You reached out for your father in the dream for protection. If your father were alive, what words of wisdom might he share with you to get you through this difficult time?

Water or ice in a dream may also represent one’s emotions. Viewed from this perspective, this dream scene could represent a fragile or vulnerable emotional state. If your father died relatively recently (“recently” is purely subjective), or if the dream occurred around the anniversary of his death or other event when you’re particularly aware of his absence, the dream could be connected with a wave of grief surfacing, breaking through the thin veneer of “holding it together”.

As for the second dream, mice may symbolize different things depending on your personal association with mice. From your description, mice infesting a room could symbolize certain situations or people in your life becoming overwhelming. A mouse may also represent timidity. In this case, the dream could be sending you a message to be more forthright – perhaps a trait your dad had, or would encourage you to have.

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