Tag Archive: power

Scary dream about my brother…

Scary dream about my brotherDream: I had this really scary dream about my brother and now I’m really worried that something evil is after us. We were getting ready to leave my house when I noticed lights flickering wherever I went in the house. I said “the power of Christ compels you” and they stopped but then quickly started flickering faster then they stopped. The lights in the hallway went on, and then started flickering leading down to the laundry room (where my brother was). I quickly ran to the laundry room and hugged my brother, made a cross with my fingers, and repeatedly screamed “the power of Christ compels you” waiting for it to come in through the doorway. After what felt like 5 minutes a very tall figure walked around the corner in a black hooded cape. He had a long nose and pale, old wrinkly skin. He kept his fix on my brother the entire time and stepped closer. I tried to keep screaming it but I was losing my voice. He was shrieking and breaking my fingers without touching me. I screamed again and he looked at me with pure anger before I woke up.

DreamsMaster: Yes, this is a scary dream, but you have nothing to fear from the dream itself. The dream likely represents your own personal struggles between good and evil, which might have to do with your own sense of guilt over something that’s happened in your waking world, or it could be about trying to rescue your brother from something you perceive as evil but feeling powerless to do so. As an example, another dreamer shared a similar dream in which she was trying to rescue a friend from an evil force, and it turned out the “evil force” in his life was drugs. Is there some kind of “evil force” in your life or in your brother’s life that you feel compelled to try to rescue him from?

In the dream you’re losing your voice as you desperately try to protect your brother, which could be symbolic of your sense of powerlessness at not feeling heard or listened to. Rescuers often become victims. The dream could be a warning that if you continue to try to rescue him, you could end up being a victim yourself if he turns his anger on you and cuts you out of his life completely.

The dreamer is the only one who can interpret their own dream, but hopefully my input has put you a little at ease as you explore what the dream is trying to tell you.

See also:

Stressful dreams about work…

Stressful dreams about workDream: I’ve been having these stressful dreams about work. At my work, there are lights connected to electronic eyes that only turn on when there’s movement. In these dreams, for some reason the electronic eyes aren’t working and I can’t get the lights to come on. I’m stressed that the lights won’t come on, but I can’t stop to try to figure it out, because I have to handle customers, who are trying to shop (and steal) in the dark. I keep thinking that of course they’re going to steal if it’s dark and no one can see them. That’s where the dream always ends.

DreamsMaster: Dreams that throw obstacles in our way (such as lights that won’t turn on) often represent our ambivalence about achieving certain goals or continuing along a certain path in life. Since this recurring dream takes place at work, this is likely the area of your life where you may be experiencing mixed feelings.

The general theme of the recurring dream has to do with responsibility and ethics. You’re responsible for the darkness both literally and metaphorically – “of course they’re going to steal if it’s dark and no one can see them.” Symbolically, the external darkness in the dream could be an extension of some perceived internal darkness you see (or try not to see) in yourself.

Have you been feeling a sense of resentment at work, perhaps due to too much responsibility with too little reward? There’s a saying, sometimes we steal from others when we feel ripped off ourselves. Consider that maybe you need to “get the lights to come on” or gain clarity in your own life in order to feel a greater sense of control and satisfaction.

See also:

Mad man chasing me…

Mad man chasing meDream: I dreamed of a mad man chasing me and when we eventually got to the point I could run no more, we began throwing stones at each other. I threw the last stone until my eyes opened from the dream. What does this mean?

DreamsMaster: By “mad man” do you mean “mad” as in angry or “mad” as in crazy? Did this man in the dream remind you of anyone you know in the waking world, either personally or from a movie or TV show, for example? What adjectives would you use to describe him, in addition to “mad”?

Did any of the stones either of you threw actually hit and/or hurt the other person?

What was on your mind that night when you went to bed?

Dreams hold many layers of meaning, and the more details you can draw out of them the more success you’ll have at unearthing these layers.

As the dreamer, you’re the only one who can truly determine what the dream means. But here are some ideas to try on and see what fits, and notice what ideas of your own percolate as you read on…

Being chased in a dream is generally a metaphor for trying to escape from some real or imagined threat in the waking world. For example, the “mad man” may represent an unpleasant or “maddening” situation at work or somewhere else in your life that you’ve been trying to avoid; something or someone that you just can’t shake loose psychologically or emotionally.

The “mad man” or perceived threat may also be a shadow side of yourself, a disowned part that you judge negatively and want desperately to avoid or eliminate.

Throwing stones is an interesting choice of offense / defense. For some dreamers, this may be a visual representation of the biblical expression about “casting the first stone” in regards to taking a look at one’s own actions before blindly judging the action of another.

It’s significant that throughout the dream you are not in any real danger, and in fact seem perfectly capable of escaping harm’s way. This could be the core of the dream’s message: That although you may feel threatened and powerless in some situation you’re currently facing in your waking life, in reality you have the personal resources and power to take control in a positive way. Consider how you could be more effective wielding this power.

See also:

Dreams about having cancer…

Dreams about having cancerDream: Lately I’ve had a couple of dreams about having cancer. In the first dream, I had lung cancer. Four days later I had a dream that I had cancer in my legs. Should I be worried?

DreamsMaster: My approach to dreams is to consider the literal meaning first, and then to move on to the symbolism.

If you haven’t visited a doctor in a long time, maybe now is the time. Perhaps you have been noticing some odd sensations in your body that you’ve been ignoring or pushing away to the “back of your mind”, and your dreams are bringing these unconscious concerns to the forefront.

Another possibility is that the dreams could be serving as a warning. For example, if you smoke, the dream could be throwing up a red flag about the danger you’re exposing yourself to.

If a literal interpretation doesn’t fit, next look at the symbolism. If it were my dream, having cancer would symbolize something in my life is threatening to consume my life force. Along these lines, in response to a dream about lung cancer, you might ask yourself, “Where in my life do I feel like I’m unable to breathe freely, or I’m suffocating?” Similarly, dreaming about cancer in one’s legs might also represent a threat to one’s freedom, or the ability to “run away” from some perceived danger.

This is not a dream to be ignored, whether literal or symbolic. Your innermost self is sending you the message that there’s some type of malignant or negative presence threatening your well-being, and it’s up to your waking self to take action.

See also:

Spanish priest looking at me creepily…

priestDream: I dreamed about a Spanish priest looking at me creepily and I was really scared by his gaze. what does that mean?

DreamsMaster: Is the Spanish priest in the dream someone familiar to you in the waking world? If so, the dream could be an intuition that this person is not to be trusted.

If you do not know this Spanish priest in your waking life, then this dream character is symbolic, and could represent inner conflicting feelings toward religion.

A key question is, what was scary about his gaze? In other words, what specifically were you afraid of? For example, did it feel like the priest had scary or unacceptable intentions toward you? Or, did it feel like the priest could see right through you?

Imagine for a moment that the priest represents a part of yourself, perhaps a part of yourself that is unacceptable to you, or a part of yourself that you don’t trust. Think about how you would describe this Spanish priest, and then ask yourself if you identify with any of these qualities.

You might also try having an imaginary dialog with the Spanish priest – visualize yourself standing tall, looking him straight in the eyes, and asking: What is the meaning behind your gaze?

Being scared in a dream implies a sense of powerlessness somewhere in your waking world. If the fear is based on conflict within yourself, then the goal is to shake hands with the fear and get back in touch with your personal power.

See also: