Tag Archive: water

Being pursued and didn’t know why…

Being pursuedDreamI was in this town on the edge of the woods, very beautiful, but I was being pursued and didn’t know why. I came to the edge of this creek and took my boots off to cross, when this beautiful girl asks me what on earth I was doing. I told her I was trying to get away, although I wasn’t really scared or nervous. I crossed the creek and  proceeded to a house, which I knew was an elderly couple’s who had recently passed away. The house was unlocked and I thought I could hide out there. It was a massive two story house overlooking town with a hallway upstairs with windows. I looked out the window and noticed a cop (very traditional 1920’s uniform on). He saw me and began to alert other officers.  I quickly bolted down the stairs and out the back door. Before me was this large open field with a slight hill and woods approximately half mile away. I began to run across this field from the cops. I noticed when I was running I wasn’t nervous or scared of capture, as if it was a game. As I was running I felt as if my boots were heavier then normal. When I reached the woods I heard the sound of dogs so I knew that they had got dogs to track me. So I thought I could lose them in the smokey forest ahead (a large forest with smoke and fog so thick I couldn’t see but a foot in front of me). As I was heading to the smoky woods the girl appeared again and this time wanted to go with me. We ran into the smoke and ran for what felt like a long time. I knew we lost the authorities because I couldn’t hear the dogs anymore. We came to this cliff and jumped into this giant well of water, not knowing for sure there was water due to the fog and mist (as if it was a leap of faith). We survived, and after exiting the water we were in a familiar place on a dirt road. We saw a motel so we ran to it. It was run by an older couple and they agreed to give us a room. We stayed in the room together for what felt like a couple days. I got this feeling that we were gonna be caught. Sure enough, I opened the door to the room and I could hear a private detective asking the couple about us. We then decided it was time to give ourselves up. I had this odd feeling that I was going to be able to get the private detective to let us go. I was somewhat disappointed that we didn’t finish whatever journey we were on, and I was sad to be separated from this girl. Then I woke up.

DreamsMaster: What an involved dream! What particularly strikes me is the amount of confidence and faith you exude throughout the adventure. Despite all of the obstacles and challenges, the whole thing feels like a game to you, not to be taken too seriously. I don’t know you personally or what current life challenges you face, but the message that comes through to me from this dream is that you are fully capable of handling whatever is thrown in your path. And even if you don’t succeed in crossing the desired finish line of this particular leg of life’s journey, you will be all the more enriched for trying.

That said, let’s get down to more detailed dream interpretation. There’s so much to this dream, I’ll just go with the symbols that feel the strongest to me. As I put my ideas forward (my own projections), look internally for more pieces of the puzzle to reveal themselves to you.

These symbols appear multiple times:

  • Boots (taking them off to cross the creek; feeling heavy while running): A form of protection; sense of groundedness
  • Water (creek, giant well): Emotional/spiritual state
  • Trees (woods, smokey forest): Obscure one’s direction or path
  • Elderly couples (in both instances, the owner of dwellings): Could represent wisdom that comes with age and experience
  • Shelter (house, motel): Often represent one’s ego or self – the house is massive, multi-dimensional, with windows to a full view; the motel is a temporary dwelling, a place to hide out
  • The Law (old-fashioned cop, private detective): one’s conscience or superego
  • The Edge (of the woods, of the creek, of a cliff): a metaphor for living on the edge?
  • Beautiful girl (in both cases appears just ahead of immersing in water): The yin to your yang; inner harmony and balance

And this thread throughout:

  • Being pursued
  • Trying to get away
  • Hiding out
  • Running
  • And finally, peaceful surrender

As I run through this exercise and project my own meanings onto your dream, I arrive at this message, phrased as if it were my dream:

I have a desire to make certain life choices that may not be completely acceptable to others or to myself. A wise part of myself is in support of these riskier choices, and feels safe to take a leap of faith. Another part of myself is trying to stop me from veering away from the more conventional or righteous path. Both of these sides are equally compelling and I will be fine with whichever direction I take, but I may be somewhat disappointed and experience a sense of loss if I surrender to the more righteous path.

See also:

A dream about flying, snakes and family…

snakes and familyDream: My husband shared with me a dream he had about flying, snakes and family. He was going camping with his family, his mom (who died several years ago), his dad, his grandfather (who also has passed away) and his three sisters. They each live in different states so were driving to the camp site. He parked his truck and his body was flying. There was also a waterfall and bridge over the waterfall. He came to a river and followed it until it forked where he went to the left. When he got to the camp ground there were 300 dead snakes laid out. He thought the people before him had killed the snakes. There were still snakes in the camp ground. He told his parents that his sisters would not be happy about the snakes. He was alarmed and didn’t understand why his parents were not alarmed. His mom said it was ok because you could see any snake that tried to come into a zipped up tent. My husband flew back and got his truck to drive to the camp ground. One of his sisters was asleep in the camper that he and his sisters were supposed to sleep in. The other sisters arrived but didn’t seem overly concerned. My husband carried his gun around with him but became less concerned as the dream continued.

DreamsMaster: I’m going to project myself into this dream, and offer some ideas of what may be going on. Only your husband will know for sure, but as he reads through my impressions, hopefully it will help direct him toward a fitting interpretation of his own…

Family reunion camping: Was there a time in his life when his family went on camping trips together? If so, were these good times or tense? If not, a family reunion camping trip could be symbolic of seeing the clan out in the open, metaphorically speaking – seeing one another as they really are.

Flying: The ability to rise above conflict. Also, the ability to see things from a higher perspective.

Waterfall and river: Water often symbolizes one’s emotional or spiritual state. In this case, both water sources are moving, not sitting stagnant. This says to me something is stirring inside.

300 dead snakes killed by people before: Snakes sometimes symbolize evil, or something not to be trusted. It’s striking that there’s such a large number of them killed – in the past – laid out in clear view. And still more are present. Past and present. Could these represent family secrets?

He’s alarmed but not his parents: His eyes are open, he has a broader perspective; his parents are more oblivious to the danger, perhaps not aware of things as he is, not seeing things from the same perspective.

Mom feels safe in zipped up tent: Mom is protected or shielded now, perhaps a reference to her having passed on, or could also be the sense that she protected herself from the family secrets or falsehoods in her living form as well.

One sister asleep, other sisters not concerned: Sisters are similar to Mom, unphased by the sinister surroundings, or unconscious about it all. Another reference to past and present?

Your husband carried gun for protection, but became less concerned: Lowering defenses, perhaps doesn’t need to be so guarded around his family anymore… past, or present.

See also:

Cold as ice…

Cold as iceDream:  In my dream, I saw a block of ice falling down from the sky like rain. When I went to pick it up, it turned to water.

DreamsMaster:  Water in dreams often represents our emotional state. In this case, a block of ice could represent hardened emotions. The fact that it turned to water when you went to pick it up implies that these hardened emotions are softening.

Think about what was on your mind the night you had this dream. Have you been feeling “cold as ice” toward someone or something, but now those feelings are starting to warm? This dream could represent a sense of healing taking place inside of you, emotionally and/or spiritually.

The symbol in the dream has more the value of a parable: it does not conceal, it teaches.

– Carl Jung, as quoted in C.G. Jung: Psychological Reflections

See also:

Plumbing problem…

Plumbing problemDream:  I dreamed that there was a small opening like a really small pipe coming from up under my carpet just running and I was panicking because I couldn’t stop it.

DreamsMaster: The first thing that comes to my mind is that you may be sensing a problem with your plumbing. This plumbing problem could be literal in regards to the home you live in, or it could be a metaphor for the plumbing in your body.

What was on your mind when you went to bed the night you had the dream? Did you notice any wet spots on the ceiling or floor, or a toilet running? If nothing literal comes to mind, how about your health? Have you been experiencing any discomfort anywhere in your body? When’s the last time you were checked out by a doctor?

Water in a dream may also represent one’s emotional state. Along these lines, is there something building up emotionally for you below the surface (symbolism of the carpet covering the floor), that you fear if you let it out it will continue to flow uncontrollably?

In the dream, you were “panicking” because you “couldn’t stop it.” What were you afraid would happen? Did you sense your life was in danger? Or just that you were going to have a really big mess to clean up?

If one of these angles touched a nerve for you, then that’s the one I suggest you create a course of action to address. The dream is no doubt sending you an urgent message, and I encourage you to follow your instincts about it and get whatever outside assistance you may need – a plumber, a doctor, or a friend to talk to.

Skunk turns nasty…

White skunkDream: I am in my house. I have a beautiful white skunk in the house. The skunk loves to be patted by everyone and acts more like a cat, rubbing against my legs. Then all of a sudden the skunk turns nasty…biting me and others. I attempt many times to evict the skunk from the house and every time the skunk reappears back in the house trying to bite. My ex husband of 25 years appears, grabs the skunk by the nape and drowns the skunk in a lake that has just appeared. I cry because I didn’t want the skunk to die…I just wanted it to stop biting. I dreamed this 3 times last night.

DreamsMaster: A powerful dream with a powerful message, based on the repetitive nature of the dream and the emotional impact it made. Let’s see what we can do to unearth that message.

The skunk is the focal point of the dream, the main symbol to explore. I will project some of my own meanings onto that skunk, but remember it’s up to you to determine what fits best. As you read on, pay attention to what thoughts and feelings come to the surface for you.

A skunk is generally known for its guarded, protective nature. It’s also sometimes considered the ultimate pacifist, as it’s generally nonviolent and unaggressive and relies on its repulsive scent to ward off others that are considered a threat.

The skunk in your dream is beautiful, pure (white), affectionate, loving. More like a cat, which is often considered a symbol of femininity. This initial image of the skunk is warm and inviting, and easy to embrace.

Suddenly the skunk becomes nasty, biting. It’s as if this loving, trusting being has suddenly turned mean, bitter, “stinky”, inconsolable. Like a preverbal child, the only way it can communicate its displeasure or discomfort is through its behavior. I wonder, if the skunk could talk, what would it be trying to communicate?

Consider now that this skunk is a representation of you. A beautiful, gentle, loving spirit, with another side that is angry, biting, trying to get your attention. This “nasty” side is unacceptable to you and to others in your space. Do other adjectives come to mind for you in regards to how you would describe this skunk?

It’s interesting that in the dream your ex-husband takes charge of the situation by drowning the problem. Water in a dream often represents one’s emotional state. From your perspective, was your ex-husband someone who tended to suppress (drown) uncomfortable emotions, in himself as well as in you?

Think back to the events of the day before the dream and what was on your mind when you went to bed that night. This may help bring additional clarity. My sense is that the core message is about self-acceptance, and there’s still some unpleasant grief inside needing expression.

See also: