Tag Archive: spirituality

Spanish priest looking at me creepily…

priestDream: I dreamed about a Spanish priest looking at me creepily and I was really scared by his gaze. what does that mean?

DreamsMaster: Is the Spanish priest in the dream someone familiar to you in the waking world? If so, the dream could be an intuition that this person is not to be trusted.

If you do not know this Spanish priest in your waking life, then this dream character is symbolic, and could represent inner conflicting feelings toward religion.

A key question is, what was scary about his gaze? In other words, what specifically were you afraid of? For example, did it feel like the priest had scary or unacceptable intentions toward you? Or, did it feel like the priest could see right through you?

Imagine for a moment that the priest represents a part of yourself, perhaps a part of yourself that is unacceptable to you, or a part of yourself that you don’t trust. Think about how you would describe this Spanish priest, and then ask yourself if you identify with any of these qualities.

You might also try having an imaginary dialog with the Spanish priest – visualize yourself standing tall, looking him straight in the eyes, and asking: What is the meaning behind your gaze?

Being scared in a dream implies a sense of powerlessness somewhere in your waking world. If the fear is based on conflict within yourself, then the goal is to shake hands with the fear and get back in touch with your personal power.

See also:

Attacked by a demonic presence…

demonic presenceDream: I dreamed I was being attacked by a demonic presence. It was choking me, I couldn’t breathe. I felt his weight on me. I was screaming help, help. I could hear myself, fighting this thing off me. My grandson shook me awake, he heard me screaming.

DreamsMaster: My initial instinct with this dream is to recommend you visit your doctor to rule out any health issues that may be causing you to experience this choking sensation and difficulty breathing due to pressure on your chest.

If you’ve indeed been experiencing health issues, then it’s possible that the “demonic presence” was your dreaming mind’s way of visualizing the threat of a violent death, and getting your attention to take immediate action.

If this literal interpretation of the dream does not fit for you, next take a look at the theme and symbolism. The most striking thing to me is the overwhelming sense of powerlessness. The aggressor is not in physical form, so your attempts to fight it off physically fail. One way of viewing this is that whatever the threat you perceive going on in your life right now, your defense must come from your spiritual core. This is where your strength resides.

See also:

Buddhist monk with one eye…

Buddhist monkDream: I met a Buddhist monk with only one eye (the right eye). I bent with my hands together and then reached out to touch him. He gently pushed my hand away and said firmly no. Then he reached out and grasped my head in his hands and I could both sense and feel the need to humble myself before him. I went down onto one knee, then the other one eventually I was on both knees, head bowed in supplication before him. I could sense a clear energy flowing through his hands into me. My wife was standing nearby and called out not to worry that he was the water priest.

DreamsMaster: A few dominant themes stand out in this dream. Here are my projections onto these themes – consider if any fit for you, or if they spark other insights…

Buddhist monk with only one eye (the right eye): Spiritual guide; seer; visionary; right eye could represent the dominant eye, singular point of vision.

Rejected attempt to touch him: You cannot gain strength from reaching out to him; he must be in control and reach out to you.

Energy flowing through his hands into me: Personal empowerment; strong message about important life lesson trying to make its way into you.

Water priest: In the gaming world, the water priest defends the Life realm from intruders, casts defensive magic to protect their allies. Looking at what a “water priest” might mean outside the gaming world, “water” in dreams often represents our emotional or spiritual base, while a “priest” is a spiritual guide (similar to a Buddhist monk).

In summary, the dream appears to be sending a message about the direction you must take in order to achieve a desired sense of spiritual enlightenment or personal empowerment. It’s not about reaching out to find it… it’s about being open-minded and allowing it to find you.

I am at a wedding, a Roman Catholic service…

at a weddingDream: I am at a wedding, a very large wedding. There seems to be a Roman Catholic service in progress. I meet a cousin that was deceiving in the past and embrace her, then I turn to my mother and take off my wedding ring (I am happily married) and give it to my mother to keep. What does this dream mean or reveal?

DreamsMaster: A wedding in a dream often symbolizes transition and new beginnings. The presence of the Roman Catholic service is quite significant, though its specific significance is dependent on your personal association to the Roman Catholic religion. Regardless, it’s a spiritual symbol, so the wedding likely represents a spiritual transition.

Depending on how close you are with this cousin that appears in the dream, the way you describe the scene appears to represent forgiveness. It could be genuine forgiveness of the cousin herself, or it could be forgiveness of an aspect of yourself that was “deceiving” in the past.

You take off your wedding ring and give it to your mother to keep. This may be symbolic of your lasting commitment to your mother as her devoted son. This act may also symbolize your elevation to a greater level of maturity and obligation in both the physical and spiritual realm.

Putting it all together, stated as if it were my dream:

I am in a state of spiritual transition. I experience this through transforming negative judgment lodged in the past to present-day forgiveness, as well as by honoring my role as a faithful son.

See also:

Fish and fortune…

fish and fortuneDream:  Eating cooked but not ready fish

DreamsMaster:  Fish and fortune usually go hand-in-hand when it comes to dream interpretation. Fish in dreams often symbolize faith and fertility as well. It’s interesting that in this particular dream the fish is cooked but not ready. This could represent your faith, fortune or fertility (which could also represent creativity) is not yet fully developed, but is on the path. Give it a little more time.

Dream:  I dreamed of an open sea… I saw lots of big fishes… then we cooked heads of big shrimps, squids and other fishes

DreamsMaster:  Although every dream is personal to the dreamer and only the dreamer can truly interpret it, my sense is that this dream is a sign of riches ahead for you. An open sea could represent endless possibilities, while catching big fishes to feast on could represent the bounty ahead.


Additional note: Although dreams about fish or eating fish often symbolically represent good fortune or fertility, sometimes a dream about eating fish has a literal meaning. The body could be craving certain qualities of fish such as omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to have important benefits to the heart and even to infant development during pregnancy. In this case, a dream about eating fish could be a message to the dreamer to add fish to the dreamer’s diet.

See also: