Tag Archive: love

Everything I want in a man…

everything I want in a manDream: I dream about a man who is everything I want in a man, very loving, caring, sweet. He has dark hair, beautiful blue eyes, tall. I feel so happy when I am with him in this dream. I’m with a man I’m not happy with in real life. Is this dream telling me to move on and maybe someone like this will enter my life?

DreamsMaster: Our dreams are gifts from our innermost selves. When we’re unhappy in our waking world, our dreams often provide balance by providing us with an experience of bliss.

Is the dream telling you to move on? Will someone like this enter your waking life? My guess is that these are questions you’ve been pondering quite a bit these days, and the dream is shining a light on your heart’s desire. It’s also quite possible the dream is your intuition telling you that indeed, this man is out there for you. On the other hand, the dream could be more symbolic than literal, in that the man could represent an aspect of yourself that you need to become more intimate with in order to find a deeper sense of happiness in your life. Which of these possible interpretations do you feel fits best for you?

If your gut is telling you this dream is your intuition, the next step is up to you. It takes a lot of courage to trade the known for the unknown, and you’re the only one that can determine the right course of action for you. Your dreams are key to knowing whether or not you’re on that right course, even if life delivers some growthful challenges along the way.

If you’d like more focused guidance from your dreams, try this method called “dream incubation” – a technique I detail here: http://dreams.com/dreams-and-problem-solving

Trust your dreams – your Self – to point the way.

See also:

Dreamed that my ex is pregnant…

ex is pregnantDream: I had a dream that my ex is pregnant… For 8 hours I had the dream replay over and over… In the dream I was approached by my ex… who I still love. She told me she was pregnant and we held each other… knowing it wasn’t mine. This is my worst fear… we were a family and she left with our son 7 months ago.

DreamsMaster: I see a couple of ways you can go with this dream. Before I continue, though, keep in mind that you are the only one who can truly interpret your dream, so trust your instincts to decide what fits best for you.

In the dream, your ex is pregnant with new life that isn’t yours. When the two of you split, was she involved with another man, or did you suspect that she was? If so, her being pregnant with another man’s child in the dream could be driving home the fact that she no longer has an emotional attachment to you.

If she is not actually pregnant or in another relationship, then the dream could symbolize the fact that she has embarked on a new life (represented in the dream by the pregnancy) that does not include you (the child growing within is not yours).

In either case, the core dream message appears to be that it’s time for you to let go of your denial and move on with the grief process toward acceptance of the loss of the old relationship.

It’s very significant that in the dream you held each other despite the fact that the new life inside her wasn’t yours. If your worst fear is that you won’t continue to have contact with your son, another key message of the dream could be that the more you accept or “embrace” you ex’s new personal growth or direction in life, the greater the chance you’ll be able to maintain a relationship with your son.

That this was a recurring dream means there’s a very important message your innermost self is trying to send to you. If you still feel in the dark about the dream’s true meaning, when you go to bed tonight ask yourself for another dream to shed further light on the message.

See also:

Dreamt of my boyfriend with his ex…

Boyfriend with his exDream: Today as well as yesterday I dreamt of my boyfriend with his ex. I dreamt that his ex girlfriend with several babies ranging from newborn to around 3 years of age and pregnant came around and I was just pushed away and he unconditionally accepts her and her babies with open arms and seems happier than ever. I’m not sure where I end up but while he is at work I return to the place that he and she live that once I resided with him and what once was a home being a real house has now turned into a motor home parked on the curb of his mother’s house. He still works and she’s happy tending to the kids and expecting a new baby, although not his, he seems totally accepting of that and is happy. He’s in love and I step out of the picture because after all I being in love with him would never deny what I see in his eyes in his ways would never dream of interfering in his happiness.

DreamsMaster: It’s quite possible this dream is your innermost self delivering the message that it’s finally time for you to move on. “…what once was a home being a real house has now turned into a motor home” could be symbolic of this message of pulling up roots. In the dream he is surrounded by children and babies, new life. Perhaps you sense that he has genuinely moved on now, and it’s time for you to do the same. The fact that the dream has occurred more than once means it’s an important dream to pay attention to. Your inner wisdom is calling you to action.

See also:

Felt a presence in my room…

Felt a presence in my roomDream: This morning I woke up when I felt a presence in my room. A set of arms pulled the covers over my shoulders and then they hugged me. When I woke up there was no one there in the room. I wasn’t scared but felt a presence in my room…a sweet secure presence almost smiling. What does this mean?

DreamsMaster: This sounds like a visitation more than a dream. Did anyone close to you pass away recently? Or, did the time of the dream correspond with an anniversary of someone’s death?

Not everyone believes in such a thing as visitations, but I’ve personally had a similar experience and others have confided in such experiences as well. When they occur, I consider them a gift and don’t go into interpretation the same way as I would a dream. So from my perspective, I’d say you received a very special gift.

See also:

I dreamed of my father’s funeral…

Sunset - my father's funeralDream: I dreamed of my father’s funeral. As we were carrying him to the grave site, the coffin fell and he fell out of it, wearing the same jeans he always does and a shirt and tie. We rolled him over to put him back in the casket and once he was in, his eyes opened and he looked around as though to say “what am I doing in here?” but he never spoke. That’s when I woke up. My dad is 85 and still alive, although not in the greatest medical shape. I don’t know if I am suppose to prepare myself for something that I don’t want to happen. Please help if you can.

DreamsMaster: Yes, I believe this dream is indeed preparing you for something that you don’t want to happen. Your dad is aging, his health is failing, and death is imminent. Not necessarily in the next few days or weeks, but intuitively you know the day will come soon enough, and your innermost mind is preparing you for the inevitable. In fact, you have already begun the grief process.

Perhaps a friend of yours recently lost a parent. Or you may have seen a movie or read a story that involved death. There are numerous ways the outer world may have infiltrated your inner world and triggered thoughts of your own parent loss, resulting in this dream.

If your dad were young and in good health, then the dream would more likely symbolize your childhood image of him dying or becoming obsolete, representing a new level of maturity awakening within you. This level of symbolism may still be true, but based on the additional information you added about his age and health, the more literal interpretation in regards to mentally/emotionally preparing for the loss carries more weight.

In your dream your dad had the sense he didn’t belong in the coffin. This is likely your own rational mind recognizing he’s not dead yet, and perhaps even symbolic of your resistance to his dying. However, your intuition – what dreams are largely made of – is warning you that the time is drawing near. From my perspective, the takeaway message is to start preparing for the loss mentally and emotionally… first and foremost by taking advantage of the time you still have with him in the present.

See also: