Tag Archive: creativity

Powerful lucid dream I had…

Lucid dreamDream: I just want to share with you the powerful lucid dream that I had several days ago. I am in a building with a lot of people. I ask the question, “What is my life purpose?” Suddenly I appear on the top floor of the building with walls around me and a ceiling above. The space is very small so I feel very cramped but there is no way out. I start to worry that my answer will not show up in this cramped space. But then I suddenly realize that all the walls and the ceiling is just my mental projection in my dream, so I try to push my hands through the ceiling. I feel some resistance but I quickly rip the ceiling apart. Suddenly I fly out to this amazingly beautiful scene – beautiful sunshine, blue sky, blue-green sparkling water surrounded by trees, white boats in the water, a sun deck sitting in the middle of the water where people are talking and having fun. Life is meant to be enjoyed! I continue to fly and see some dark clouds. The dark clouds feel dense and cold. I know that I have to fly through them. I realize that life has many challenges which are there for me to grow. Once I fly through the dark clouds, the scenery becomes beautiful again. But the boats in the water start to rise above the water into the sky. I know that I have to pull them back into the water, so I start to pull really hard on a rope to try to pull the boats back into the water. Some other people also come to help. I realize that life is about helping others, also working together with others. Another insight of my lucid dream is that most of time we are so stuck in our own mind, as represented by the cramped space, there is no way for us to see the truth of what life is really about!

DreamsMaster: Thank you for sharing this powerful lucid dream! I will post on Dreams.com for others to see, as this is a marvelous example of a lucid dream and the innermost lessons dreams of all sorts can provide.

See also:

Newly born babies…

Newly born babiesDream: In a dream I was working in the hospital in a labour ward, there a lot of newly born babies sort of piled up all very actively kicking and waiting to be cleaned to be taken to their mothers. I took one on the way then suddenly woke up.

DreamsMaster: When you say, “I took one on the way”, does this mean you took a baby for yourself, or you took one to deliver to the baby’s mother? This is key to the overall interpretation of the dream. The feelings you had in the dream are important indicators of the dream’s message as well. That said, I’ll take this down a few different paths, and you be the judge of which fits best (or perhaps another more fitting angle will occur to you as you read on)…

Path #1: A “literal” perspective, taking “I took one on the way” to mean “I took one for myself”. Let’s say you’re at a stage in life where you’d like to have a child. In this dream, there are many healthy, active babies waiting to be taken to their mothers. The opportunity presents itself, and you take one. If the feeling in the dream is one of pleasantness or joy, the dream could be suggesting the possibility of adoption – taking a baby born of another mother to be your own.

Path #2: A “symbolic” perspective. This time, let’s look as the babies in the dream as symbolic of new life, new possibilities, creativity. Although they are not born from within you, they are all around you for the taking. Brand new babies could symbolize novel ideas, waiting to be cleaned, polished. For example, perhaps you’ve been gathering ideas for a new writing project, or a new career path. The dream could be sending you the message to take one and go with it.

Path #3: Another “symbolic” perspective. In this perspective, imagine the babies are symbolic representations of yourself. I’m going to project myself into the dream and role-play one of the babies, to give you an example of an exercise you can do on your own: “I am a newly born baby. I am helpless, powerless. I am waiting to be taken to my mother, the person who will take care of me for life. I am completely vulnerable and dependent upon others, specifically the woman who has just taken me. I trust that she is capable of taking good care of me.” In this case, the dream could be a message of confirmation that you are indeed capable of taking care of yourself, and maybe could benefit from some self-nurturing.

See also:

Fish and fortune…

fish and fortuneDream:  Eating cooked but not ready fish

DreamsMaster:  Fish and fortune usually go hand-in-hand when it comes to dream interpretation. Fish in dreams often symbolize faith and fertility as well. It’s interesting that in this particular dream the fish is cooked but not ready. This could represent your faith, fortune or fertility (which could also represent creativity) is not yet fully developed, but is on the path. Give it a little more time.

Dream:  I dreamed of an open sea… I saw lots of big fishes… then we cooked heads of big shrimps, squids and other fishes

DreamsMaster:  Although every dream is personal to the dreamer and only the dreamer can truly interpret it, my sense is that this dream is a sign of riches ahead for you. An open sea could represent endless possibilities, while catching big fishes to feast on could represent the bounty ahead.


Additional note: Although dreams about fish or eating fish often symbolically represent good fortune or fertility, sometimes a dream about eating fish has a literal meaning. The body could be craving certain qualities of fish such as omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to have important benefits to the heart and even to infant development during pregnancy. In this case, a dream about eating fish could be a message to the dreamer to add fish to the dreamer’s diet.

See also:

Having a baby…

Having a babyDream: I keep on dreaming about me having a baby also me holding the baby and being with child.

DreamsMaster: If you’re at an age and stage in life where having a baby is a possibility for you, then this dream may be foretelling your future. It’s actually quite common for a woman to dream of having or holding a baby before it’s confirmed that she’s pregnant. This is a time when a woman’s intuition is particularly keen.

When the literal interpretation of pregnancy is ruled out, dreams of having a baby carry powerful symbolism. A baby represents new life, new possibilities. This newness could manifest in the form of a creative new venture, or it could represent a new or renewed spiritual path. If your emotional state in the dream was happy, then the dream could signify positive new growth in your life to be excited about. If you felt anxious or upset, then perhaps part of the dream’s message is to give yourself a bit more nurturing and seek out support during this growthful time in your life.

As this is a recurring dream, your innermost mind is working hard to deliver an important message to you. One thing you can count on… prepare for a major change in your life!

See also:

Blue spider crawling in my bed…

Blue spider crawling in my bedDream:   I had a dream about a blue spider crawling in my bed.

DreamsMaster:   There are three symbols to consider in this dream. Let’s look at each individually, then pull together a theme.

⇒ Spider:  Since spiders are generally associated with webs, dreaming about a spider often represents a sense of being “caught in a web” or feeling trapped or manipulated. On the other hand, a spider is also often associated with creativity and femininity.

Many people have an instinctive fear of spiders. Do you? Did the image of the spider in your dream evoke a sense of fear and panic, or did you feel something else as you watched it crawl in your bed?

⇒ Blue: It’s significant that you distinctly remember the spider being the color blue. Although it’s believed that most dreams are in color, we only tend to remember a color if it particularly stands out to us. If you’re familiar with spiders and know that some are blue, then for you a blue spider may represent the qualities you know those blue spiders to have (for example, some blue spiders are poisonous).

On the other hand, if you are not familiar with different types of spiders, then the color blue would be more symbolic. Generally speaking, the color blue often symbolizes peace and tranquility, as well as freedom and inspiration. Blue is also the color of the throat chakra, which represents communication and creativity. If you were to see a blue spider in the waking world, would you find it fearful or beautiful? Seeing a fearful creature crawling in your bed would have much different meaning from seeing a beautiful or awesome creature crawling in your bed. For example, if you find this blue spider to be fascinating and intriguing, it could mean that your creative side will soon spin a fantastic masterpiece.

⇒ Bed:  A bed is a place where we rest and rejuvenate, and also a place where we dream (both literally and metaphorically). A bed is frequently associated with relationships and intimacy as well.

Now, put all this together into a theme that fits for you, and consider the message within. For example:

– Have you been experiencing creative urges? If so, the dream may be confirming that now is the time to engage your creative energy.

– Are you in relationship with someone you suspect may be toxic or manipulative? Perhaps you hadn’t considered this yet, but the dream may be your intuition sending you a warning.

Think of what was on your mind the night you had the dream, and see if you can connect it to any of these ideas. Also, think about the feeling you had in the dream, and try to associate it with that feeling in your waking world. A connection between the two will come to you, if it hasn’t already.

Submit a dream of your own to the DreamsMaster…