Boyfriend cheating…

Dreams metaphor, dream symbolism, boyfriend cheatingDream:  I don’t know why I keep having dreams that my boyfriend is lying, cheating, and eventually leaving me. I have faith in our relationship. But, these dreams are tearing me apart. Please help me.

DreamsMaster:  If you truly trust your boyfriend and have faith in your relationship with him, then these dreams are likely a reflection of your own insecurity, or fear of not being in control. It’s as if you’re subconsciously pushing him out the door, perhaps thinking you’re not worthy of being treated otherwise, or perhaps operating on the “quit before you get fired” instinct.

If you’ve had boyfriends in the past who lied and cheated on you, then it’s possible you’re guarding yourself by preparing for the worst. Sadly, this approach may lead to the very outcome you fear – driving him away.

What’s most important here is to get solid footing of your own. Dreams of losing a boyfriend and feeling torn apart by it are a sign of you being overly dependent on a boyfriend for your own security and well being. The goal here is not to make those dreams go away; on the contrary, the goal is to allow the events to unfold and to not fall apart when they do.

The dream will stop tearing you apart once you recognize you can be whole with or without a man. In fact, once you gain this inner strength, you’ll likely stop having the dreams altogether… unless, your inner detective is actually picking up on some real (not imagined) clues. If this is the case, the dreams will persist until you “wake up” and stop denying the facts that are right in front of you – and take action to reclaim your personal power.

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