Infant just disappears…

infant Dream: I saw my friend’s 8 yr old son become a small infant. I held him in my arms and I am walking with her and suddenly the infant just disappears in thin air. I am bewildered yelling and frantically searching for the infant. I try calling my husband to let him know what happened but am unable to reach him. Then I see my friend and her husband talking and suddenly her husband gets real mad and cussing at her walking away. At this moment I woke up and I am feeling all disturbed and scared for the well being of the child. Please explain what I should do. I have seen dead bodies in my dream earlier to be informed later of a death of a loved one. I am very anxious right now. Thanks.

DreamsMaster: More often than not, dreams of this nature are symbolic and not literal, though clearly your innermost self is trying to bring your attention to something. Here are some ways to interpret the dream, and then you can determine what action to take.

Here are the basic elements of the dream as I see it, making up the core theme:

In the dream, your friend’s son regresses to infancy and then vanishes completely. Do you sense in the waking world that this child is being neglected in some way? For example, are his parents still babying him, denying the fact that he’s growing into a more independent being?

Both of the husbands in the dream are emotionally unavailable. Your friend’s husband in the dream is outright unsupportive and blaming. Do these descriptions fit these men in the waking world as well? The husbands in the dream could represent themselves, or they could be symbolic representations of your own father.

Although this is your friend’s child and not your own, he is under your care when he disappears, and it appears in the dream that you are carrying the brunt of responsibility, even though there has been no wrong-doing. Your waking thought is that you should do something. Why is it that you’re feeling so responsible in the dream as well as in the waking world? Does this tend to be your nature, to carry the emotional load of others?

If this friend in the dream is a friend in your waking world that you feel you can be open with, consider having a conversation with her about the dream, and sharing any concerns you may have about the child’s well-being. Take caution, however, to be clear about boundaries – be aware of where your world stops and hers starts – and recognize your own limits as to how much help you can reasonably offer, without stepping over the line and drawing resentment.

On a deeper symbolic level, the dream could be bringing to surface your concerns about raising a child of your own – whether or not you could rise to the level of responsibility, and whether or not your husband would be available and supportive as a husband and as a father.

There’s also the possibility that the child represents a part of yourself that craves nurturing, but the responsible side of you is afraid to let go. The guilt in the dream could be the guilt you feel about having any dependency needs of your own.

As you can see, a dream can have many layers of meaning. Only you can determine the true meaning of your dream, but hopefully you’ve got some direction about it from the possibilities I’ve presented.

See also: