Having a baby…

Having a babyDream: I keep on dreaming about me having a baby also me holding the baby and being with child.

DreamsMaster: If you’re at an age and stage in life where having a baby is a possibility for you, then this dream may be foretelling your future. It’s actually quite common for a woman to dream of having or holding a baby before it’s confirmed that she’s pregnant. This is a time when a woman’s intuition is particularly keen.

When the literal interpretation of pregnancy is ruled out, dreams of having a baby carry powerful symbolism. A baby represents new life, new possibilities. This newness could manifest in the form of a creative new venture, or it could represent a new or renewed spiritual path. If your emotional state in the dream was happy, then the dream could signify positive new growth in your life to be excited about. If you felt anxious or upset, then perhaps part of the dream’s message is to give yourself a bit more nurturing and seek out support during this growthful time in your life.

As this is a recurring dream, your innermost mind is working hard to deliver an important message to you. One thing you can count on… prepare for a major change in your life!

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