
What does it mean to dream about flying?

Not flying solo this time…

Not flying soloDream: I often have flying dreams, but in last night’s dream I was not flying solo. This time I was flying while carrying my younger brother with me, and I wasn’t flying high like I do when I’m flying alone. Please what’s the meaning?

DreamsMaster: Flying in a dream is often a metaphor for being able to rise above conflict. In your dream you’re carrying your younger brother with you. In your waking life, do you perceive your brother to be in some type of danger or in the midst of some type of conflict? If so, the dream could represent your desire to rescue him – or rescue you both – from some perceived danger or conflict. The fact that you couldn’t fly as high as if you were alone could represent an awareness that it would be easier for you if you were free to “fly solo” as opposed to carrying the weight of responsibility for your brother, but it’s significant that you’re able to maintain a sense of control despite the added weight.

See also:


A dream about flying, snakes and family…

snakes and familyDream: My husband shared with me a dream he had about flying, snakes and family. He was going camping with his family, his mom (who died several years ago), his dad, his grandfather (who also has passed away) and his three sisters. They each live in different states so were driving to the camp site. He parked his truck and his body was flying. There was also a waterfall and bridge over the waterfall. He came to a river and followed it until it forked where he went to the left. When he got to the camp ground there were 300 dead snakes laid out. He thought the people before him had killed the snakes. There were still snakes in the camp ground. He told his parents that his sisters would not be happy about the snakes. He was alarmed and didn’t understand why his parents were not alarmed. His mom said it was ok because you could see any snake that tried to come into a zipped up tent. My husband flew back and got his truck to drive to the camp ground. One of his sisters was asleep in the camper that he and his sisters were supposed to sleep in. The other sisters arrived but didn’t seem overly concerned. My husband carried his gun around with him but became less concerned as the dream continued.

DreamsMaster: I’m going to project myself into this dream, and offer some ideas of what may be going on. Only your husband will know for sure, but as he reads through my impressions, hopefully it will help direct him toward a fitting interpretation of his own…

Family reunion camping: Was there a time in his life when his family went on camping trips together? If so, were these good times or tense? If not, a family reunion camping trip could be symbolic of seeing the clan out in the open, metaphorically speaking – seeing one another as they really are.

Flying: The ability to rise above conflict. Also, the ability to see things from a higher perspective.

Waterfall and river: Water often symbolizes one’s emotional or spiritual state. In this case, both water sources are moving, not sitting stagnant. This says to me something is stirring inside.

300 dead snakes killed by people before: Snakes sometimes symbolize evil, or something not to be trusted. It’s striking that there’s such a large number of them killed – in the past – laid out in clear view. And still more are present. Past and present. Could these represent family secrets?

He’s alarmed but not his parents: His eyes are open, he has a broader perspective; his parents are more oblivious to the danger, perhaps not aware of things as he is, not seeing things from the same perspective.

Mom feels safe in zipped up tent: Mom is protected or shielded now, perhaps a reference to her having passed on, or could also be the sense that she protected herself from the family secrets or falsehoods in her living form as well.

One sister asleep, other sisters not concerned: Sisters are similar to Mom, unphased by the sinister surroundings, or unconscious about it all. Another reference to past and present?

Your husband carried gun for protection, but became less concerned: Lowering defenses, perhaps doesn’t need to be so guarded around his family anymore… past, or present.

See also:

Planes crashing around us…

Planes crashingDream:  I was with my boyfriend in my dream and a plane was nose-diving right above us. It missed us and crashed behind us. After that there were other helicopters and planes crashing around us.

DreamsMaster: What feelings were you experiencing during the dream? Did you fear you and your boyfriend were in danger, or were you just observing?

Planes and helicopters are modes of flying. To fly in a dream often represents a desire to “rise above” conflict; crashing may represent falling back hard into reality. It’s possible you’ve been feeling like certain circumstances around you are spiraling out of control, perhaps threatening your relationship.

Dreaming of something crashing around you could also signify the end of an emotion or fear that was causing stress. Perhaps you and your boyfriend are finally resolving a conflict that’s been escalating between you.

Think about what was on your mind the night you had the dream. Where in your life have you been experiencing or imagining things “crashing down” around you?

Dreaming is the opportunity to hold a citizenship in two worlds, equally real but with different logic and limitations.

– William Dement, The Sleepwatchers

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Dreams about flying…

Dreams about flyingDream:   Ever since I was a child, I’ve had dreams about flying. Either running in air or swimming in the air. Sometimes I control myself with my hand while running.

DreamsMaster:  Ah, flying dreams can be so empowering! In general, flying in a dream in the manner you’ve described represents the ability to take control and rise above conflict. If you were to track what was going on in your waking world the day before each flying dream, you may find a trend of anxiety-provoking events coupled with a sense of powerlessness. The dream of flying is your inner self’s way of keeping your mental and emotional states in balance, and giving you a much-needed sense of power and control.

See also:

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