Popular Themes

What are the most popular themes in dreams, and what do they mean?

Screwing around…

dreams about sex, dream symbolism, screwing aroundDream:  In my dream, I have a penis growing out of my back. My husband gets on top of me and starts having sex.

DreamsMaster:  I think your inner detective is confirming your suspicion:  your husband is screwing around behind your back.  I strongly suggest you confront this in your waking world. This is an excellent example of a dream using a metaphor to deliver a wake-up call!

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Sex with friend’s wife…

Sex with friend's wifeDream:  I had a dream I was having sex with my friend’s wife. What does this dream mean?

DreamsMaster:  This dream could mean different things, based on what’s going on for you personally in your life right now.

For example, if in your waking world you have a strong physical attraction to your friend’s wife, then the dream may be providing you with a safe and socially acceptable outlet for that urge.

If you do not have a strong attraction to her physically, are there other aspects about her that you admire? In this case, joining with her intimately in the dream could symbolize a desire to join more closely with those aspects of yourself.

If in your waking world you don’t like this woman at all, then the dream may be suggesting you look more closely at the reasons why. What you don’t like about her may be some shadow side of yourself that you need to come to better terms with.

If you have neither positive nor negative feelings toward this woman, the fact that she’s your friend’s wife could actually represent a desire to have a closer relationship with this friend, not necessarily physically but in some other way that increases the bond between you.

As you read through these possibilities, did one strike you as more fitting than the rest? If not, to add further clarity, think about what occurred the day or night before the dream, and see if you can connect any of those thoughts and feelings with the feelings that you experienced in the dream.

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Snakes and being killed…

snakes and being killedDream: I had a dream of snakes and being killed.

DreamsMaster:  Both “snakes” and “being killed” are common themes. To have them together in the same dream suggests there’s something going on in your waking world that you need to be cautious about, something or someone not to be trusted. It could also represent a part of yourself that’s being self-destructive, so take a look at your own attitude and behavior as well as the attitude and behavior of those around you.

See also:

He came to me in my dream…

he came to me in my dreamDream:  My dad died a couple of months ago. Last night he came to me in my dream. It was weird – it was as if I knew he was dead but standing in front of me alive at the same time. I went up to him and hugged him and said, “I took you for granted.” What does this mean?

DreamsMaster:  It’s not uncommon to have dreams of the departed, and it remains a mystery as to whether or not the departed can actually return to us in our dreams. That said, for those of us who have had a “visitation”, an experience that feels more like a visit than a dream, there’s no question that something unexplainable has occurred.

Regardless if you believe in visitations or not, a dream of someone departed still carries an important message. In this case, consider your words: “I took you for granted.” In what way does this statement hold true for you? It’s possible that you’re carrying some guilt or regret in regards to “what-ifs” and “if-onlys”, trying to redo or undo the past. This is a natural part of the grief process, but it’s important not to get stuck there. It’s likely your dream is giving you a nudge, helping you move on toward acceptance of your loss.

See also:

Gifts from the departed…

gifts from the departedDream: I dreamed that my grandmother (passed) gave me 2 cloth hearts, a leather pocket book, and gogoboots, laughing with joy, happy.

DreamsMaster: What a special dream! A visit from your grandmother combined with some treasured gifts. Good for you for documenting the dream, so the memory of it will last.

To find deeper meaning in the dream, think about the gifts and what each one means to you personally. Here are some ideas, based on my own projections:

  1. Cloth hearts: A heart represents love. Since there are two of them, perhaps they represent a loving relationship. To me, cloth represents clothing, so a gift of cloth hearts may be telling you to “wear your heart on your sleeve” – demonstrate your love openly.
  2. Leather pocketbook: Leather is a sturdy material. A pocketbook or purse/wallet often symbolizes one’s identity and/or security, since it generally contains important personal items such as a driver’s license and money. This gift could be a statement that you have a strong identity that is well protected.
  3. Go-go boots: What fun possibilities! To me, go-go boots are a reminder of the 60s, an era of women’s liberation demonstrated by wild and crazy clothing and lifestyles.

Was your grandmother wild at heart in her lifetime? Or, do you think she was repressed but would have liked to have been free? Putting it all together, it appears to me that your  grandmother’s spirit is encouraging you to live fully and freely, to experience the sense of joy and laughter that freedom brings.

Read more about Dreams of the Departed…

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