Popular Themes

What are the most popular themes in dreams, and what do they mean?

Penis cut halfway…

Penis cutDream: I dreamt of my penis cut halfway last night.

DreamsMaster: The dream is likely a metaphor for having felt “emasculated” or put down by someone in a demeaning way, left to feel “half the man” that you are, or “cut down to size.” Did something happen recently where you felt your power diminished?

A penis may also symbolically represent performance. From this perspective, it’s possible this dream represents some type of performance anxiety, either literally or metaphorically. Is there a situation occurring in your life where you’re feeling a lack of strength or confidence?

Another angle to consider with this dream is the connection to circumcision, which could lead to an interpretation regarding religion. For example, in religious circles, circumcision represents a commitment or bond. In this context, to dream of a penis cut halfway could symbolize the exaggerated extent of this commitment. If the feeling in the dream is fear or anger, then the dream might be sending the message that the scope of this commitment needs to be reevaluated to determine what boundaries need to be set.

On the other hand, religious or not, the dream could represent a sense of guilt related to sex or sexuality, with the penis cut halfway symbolizing a self-imposed consequence or punishment.

As you can see by the broad array of possible interpretations, the true interpretation of the dream is up to the dreamer. If you haven’t gotten that “Aha!” feeling while reading any off these possible interpretations, then think about what was on your mind when you went to sleep, and it’s likely you’ll easily connect the dots. If it’s still unclear, watch for another clarifying dream from your inner mind in the days ahead.

See also:

Man predicts 2016 Cubs win in a dream…

Published Nov. 4, 2016 on the Huffington Post:

Man Who Predicted Cubs Win In 1993 Yearbook Finally Speaks

As a psychic, Michael Lee is batting 1.000.

Back in 1993, Lee predicted in his yearbook picture that the Chicago Cubs would win the 2016 World Series, adding, “You heard it here first.”

Predicts cubs win in yearbookThe yearbook photo went viral after the Cubs made it to the World Series for the first time since 1945.

But Lee, now a 41-year-old software engineer living in the Chicago suburbs, kept a low profile by design.

“My attitude was, ‘You have to play the games,’” he told The Huffington Post. “I didn’t want to be a distraction. The players shouldn’t be asked about my prediction.”

Ah yes, the prediction. It may have been printed in the yearbook 23 years ago, but Lee said it actually came to him in a dream in 1983.

“I saw the words, ‘Cubs World Champions 2016’ on the Wrigley Field sign and I heard Harry Caray calling home runs,” he said.

Lee may have predicted it, but he actually forgot about it until former classmate Marcos Meza reminded him, according to WGN TV.

“When [Lee and I] connected on Facebook in 2009 I sent him the photo and told him we were nearing 2016. He posted the photo of his prediction on August 8th,” Meza told the station. “After my Dodgers lost it was time for me to make this go viral and BeLEEve in the Cubs for 2016.”

Lee had hoped that the prediction might come true last year when they almost fulfilled a prediction made in 1989’s “Back To The Future II.”

“When it didn’t happen,” he said, “I thought maybe they’ll do it next year.”

Lee tried to put the prediction out of his mind during the games, but had a good feeling during the rain delay during Game 7.

“Going into the 10th inning, I thought this might be good for the Cubs since they were deeper,” he said.

Once the 108-year drought was ended, Lee said his phone practically broke because so many people were calling to congratulate him.

“I’ve never texted so many people at once,” he laughed. “My brothers, Dad and I were happy.”

Lee couldn’t have predicted the media interest in him after his Cubs prediction came true. He’s skeptical that people can predict the future to begin with.

“I think this is really a very extreme coincidence,” he said. “Does it blow my mind? A little.”

Cubs win T-shirtAlthough Lee could rest on his laurels, and possibly never buy another beer in his life thanks to grateful Cubs fans, he’s trying to use his newfound fame for good.

Lee is marketing a line of T-shirts featuring his now-famous yearbook photo and the phrase “You Heard It Here First”

He says he plans to donate proceeds to charities that focus on stomping out bullying.

“They won’t stop it by themselves,” he said, “but it will give funding to defray this activity and maybe quell that behavior.”

Giving a eulogy for my mother…

Giving a eulogy for my motherDream: I dreamt I was giving a eulogy for my mother. I did the introduction of her brothers and could not continue. A friend held me and I woke up actually crying.

DreamsMaster: Such heavy grief. As distressing as this dream is, it is actually very healing, as we must feel in order to heal.

If your mother is deceased or has been recently diagnosed with a terminal illness, the dream could be a literal channel for your grief and loss.

If your mother is alive and well, then the dream may symbolize the end or death of your old relationship with her. It’s also possible that your mother in your dream represents a part of you that identifies with her, perhaps a part that you’ve lost touch with and miss dearly.

A takeaway from the dream could be to go ahead and actually write that eulogy for your mother, if you haven’t already. Say everything that needs to be said – acknowledge all she’s accomplished in her life and what she’s meant to you. Allow your feelings to pour out unfiltered and without judgment.

This is a very important dream on many levels – honor it by taking action.

See also:

Chased and shot by a laser gun…

laser gunDream: I dreamed I was running through the forest being chased by a person with a laser gun. I ran into a building covered with exercise mats. When I came out the other side a wheel of fire was rolling at me. I dodged it but the guy with the laser gun shot me and I disintegrated. 

DreamsMaster: Wow, what a powerful dream! First question that comes to mind is whether or not you play a lot of video games or watch a lot of adventure movies. Or, maybe you recently engaged in a game of laser tag? If so, you may have borrowed some of these dream images from those games and movies.

What you dream about most often has something to do with what was on your mind when you went to bed. For example, since this dream has multiple themes of trying to escape from danger, think about if there’s someone or something you’ve been feeling “threatened” by in your waking life. It could even be a part of yourself (more on this later). The feelings in the dream can help point the way to the dream’s interpretation. For example, if you felt afraid in the dream, think about where in your waking life you’ve recently felt a similar sense of fear or unease.

Since each dream is unique to the dreamer and what’s going on in the dreamer’s life, only the dreamer can truly interpret their own dream. I can offer ideas about what the dream means, but ultimately it’s up to you to decide on the true meaning. That said, here are some ideas for you to consider. As you read through them, pay attention to what feels like a fit. If something feels way off base, think about why that is and what might fit better. User your imagination in the waking world just as your dreaming mind used its imagination in the sleeping world, and see what conclusions you come to.

Running through a forest: A forest is made up of trees and other untamed growth. In dreams, a forest may represent our own personal growth, both physical and mental.

Building covered with exercise mats: When I picture this, I imagine the mats laid out in such a way as to soften the impact of a fall. Since they are exercise mats, think about what “exercise” means to you. If it were my dream, I might describe exercise as a way to get stronger in body and mind.

Wheel of fire rolling at me: Fire is often symbolic of transformation. It may also represent intense anger or rage. The fact that it’s a “wheel of fire” reminds me again of adventure movies such as Indiana Jones. You dodged this danger as you’d successfully dodged danger through the forest, which shows how capable you are at dealing with challenges.

Shot by the guy and disintegrated: Other people in dreams are often extensions of ourselves. In other words, dreams are like theater – where the dreamer plays all the roles. So in this dream, though one part of you was shot and disintegrated, another part of you pulled the trigger. Looking at the dream this way, think about if there are two sides of yourself in conflict these days – maybe a more aggressive side of you that’s trying to get rid of a more passive side. Or, perhaps the growing young man that you are becoming is causing the child in you to “disintegrate.”

A single dream can have many layers of meaning. I hope my ideas have given you some ideas of your own!

Dream about eating beets…

Dream about eating beetsDream: Last night I had a dream about eating beets. What does this mean?

DreamsMaster: Beets are highly nutritious. Often when we dream of eating a specific food, it’s a sign that our body needs the nutrients inherent in that food. I suggest you add beets to your diet this week, and if you’ve been experiencing any health concerns, make an appointment with your doctor to have some blood work done.

Again and again I find that my own inner counselor, my secret dreaming self, is not only wise and helpful but usually amusing as well.

– Sheldon Kopp, The Hanged Man

See also: