
Can dreams predict the future?

Everything I want in a man…

everything I want in a manDream: I dream about a man who is everything I want in a man, very loving, caring, sweet. He has dark hair, beautiful blue eyes, tall. I feel so happy when I am with him in this dream. I’m with a man I’m not happy with in real life. Is this dream telling me to move on and maybe someone like this will enter my life?

DreamsMaster: Our dreams are gifts from our innermost selves. When we’re unhappy in our waking world, our dreams often provide balance by providing us with an experience of bliss.

Is the dream telling you to move on? Will someone like this enter your waking life? My guess is that these are questions you’ve been pondering quite a bit these days, and the dream is shining a light on your heart’s desire. It’s also quite possible the dream is your intuition telling you that indeed, this man is out there for you. On the other hand, the dream could be more symbolic than literal, in that the man could represent an aspect of yourself that you need to become more intimate with in order to find a deeper sense of happiness in your life. Which of these possible interpretations do you feel fits best for you?

If your gut is telling you this dream is your intuition, the next step is up to you. It takes a lot of courage to trade the known for the unknown, and you’re the only one that can determine the right course of action for you. Your dreams are key to knowing whether or not you’re on that right course, even if life delivers some growthful challenges along the way.

If you’d like more focused guidance from your dreams, try this method called “dream incubation” – a technique I detail here:

Trust your dreams – your Self – to point the way.

See also:

Warning from a dead friend…

Warning from a dead friendDream: In my dream I got a warning from a dead friend telling me to tell my brother to be careful. What does this mean?

DreamsMaster: Dreams have many layers of meaning, and I don’t rule out the possibility of spirits communicating to us through our dreams. Regardless if this message came directly from your dead friend or if this friend in the dream is symbolic, it’s quite possible that you intuitively sense your brother is in some type of risky situation, and the dream is sending you a message to take action to protect him.

On a symbolic level, your deceased friend could be a shadow figure, a part of you that may be somewhat hidden from yourself and that you’ve projected onto this friend. For example, in your waking world you may be reluctant to confront others, but this friend or shadow represents a side of you that has the courage and assertiveness to speak your mind. Think about how you would describe this friend, what personality traits you would ascribe to him or her. Then, consider how you identify with those traits personally, and this may help you understand why this particular friend has appeared in the dream. Warning your brother on behalf of this person could be a way of drawing courage of your own to approach him about a situation you perceive to be risky or threatening.

Your brother in the dream may be literal or symbolic as well. On a literal level, as mentioned previously you may be intuiting that your brother is indeed in a precarious situation that you feel the need to warn him about. If it doesn’t feel like it fits that your brother himself needs to be warned, then it’s possible your brother may be a symbolic representation of yourself or someone else in your life. Just as suggested you do with the friend, think about how you would describe your brother, and then consider where in your life you identify with him and may need to be cautious yourself.

See also:

Dreams about having cancer…

Dreams about having cancerDream: Lately I’ve had a couple of dreams about having cancer. In the first dream, I had lung cancer. Four days later I had a dream that I had cancer in my legs. Should I be worried?

DreamsMaster: My approach to dreams is to consider the literal meaning first, and then to move on to the symbolism.

If you haven’t visited a doctor in a long time, maybe now is the time. Perhaps you have been noticing some odd sensations in your body that you’ve been ignoring or pushing away to the “back of your mind”, and your dreams are bringing these unconscious concerns to the forefront.

Another possibility is that the dreams could be serving as a warning. For example, if you smoke, the dream could be throwing up a red flag about the danger you’re exposing yourself to.

If a literal interpretation doesn’t fit, next look at the symbolism. If it were my dream, having cancer would symbolize something in my life is threatening to consume my life force. Along these lines, in response to a dream about lung cancer, you might ask yourself, “Where in my life do I feel like I’m unable to breathe freely, or I’m suffocating?” Similarly, dreaming about cancer in one’s legs might also represent a threat to one’s freedom, or the ability to “run away” from some perceived danger.

This is not a dream to be ignored, whether literal or symbolic. Your innermost self is sending you the message that there’s some type of malignant or negative presence threatening your well-being, and it’s up to your waking self to take action.

See also:

Man predicts 2016 Cubs win in a dream…

Published Nov. 4, 2016 on the Huffington Post:

Man Who Predicted Cubs Win In 1993 Yearbook Finally Speaks

As a psychic, Michael Lee is batting 1.000.

Back in 1993, Lee predicted in his yearbook picture that the Chicago Cubs would win the 2016 World Series, adding, “You heard it here first.”

Predicts cubs win in yearbookThe yearbook photo went viral after the Cubs made it to the World Series for the first time since 1945.

But Lee, now a 41-year-old software engineer living in the Chicago suburbs, kept a low profile by design.

“My attitude was, ‘You have to play the games,’” he told The Huffington Post. “I didn’t want to be a distraction. The players shouldn’t be asked about my prediction.”

Ah yes, the prediction. It may have been printed in the yearbook 23 years ago, but Lee said it actually came to him in a dream in 1983.

“I saw the words, ‘Cubs World Champions 2016’ on the Wrigley Field sign and I heard Harry Caray calling home runs,” he said.

Lee may have predicted it, but he actually forgot about it until former classmate Marcos Meza reminded him, according to WGN TV.

“When [Lee and I] connected on Facebook in 2009 I sent him the photo and told him we were nearing 2016. He posted the photo of his prediction on August 8th,” Meza told the station. “After my Dodgers lost it was time for me to make this go viral and BeLEEve in the Cubs for 2016.”

Lee had hoped that the prediction might come true last year when they almost fulfilled a prediction made in 1989’s “Back To The Future II.”

“When it didn’t happen,” he said, “I thought maybe they’ll do it next year.”

Lee tried to put the prediction out of his mind during the games, but had a good feeling during the rain delay during Game 7.

“Going into the 10th inning, I thought this might be good for the Cubs since they were deeper,” he said.

Once the 108-year drought was ended, Lee said his phone practically broke because so many people were calling to congratulate him.

“I’ve never texted so many people at once,” he laughed. “My brothers, Dad and I were happy.”

Lee couldn’t have predicted the media interest in him after his Cubs prediction came true. He’s skeptical that people can predict the future to begin with.

“I think this is really a very extreme coincidence,” he said. “Does it blow my mind? A little.”

Cubs win T-shirtAlthough Lee could rest on his laurels, and possibly never buy another beer in his life thanks to grateful Cubs fans, he’s trying to use his newfound fame for good.

Lee is marketing a line of T-shirts featuring his now-famous yearbook photo and the phrase “You Heard It Here First”

He says he plans to donate proceeds to charities that focus on stomping out bullying.

“They won’t stop it by themselves,” he said, “but it will give funding to defray this activity and maybe quell that behavior.”