Tag Archive: dignity


Undressing, courtesy of www.appszoom.com

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Dream:  I have seen myself undressing in front of the mirror and I see myself naked.

DreamsMaster:  To undress in front of a mirror and to see yourself naked likely means that you are becoming fully open and honest with yourself. Did you experience any specific emotion in your dream? For example, when you saw yourself naked, did you have a negative reaction to what you saw, or did you feel acceptance? If you had a negative reaction, then the dream may be urging you to come out from behind your public façade, and become less judgmental and more accepting of your true self.

We may fool ourselves with trumped-up and distorted self-portraits in waking life but sleep is no friend to embellishment and illusion. Dreams are the mirror of the self.

– Calvin Hall, The Meaning of Dreams

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Teeth rotting…

teeth rotting, self-imageDream: Have to meet a lady in a community place to see my children, teeth rotting in front.

DreamsMaster:  A dream about teeth rotting in front could be a metaphor for the expression “to lose face”, implying the loss of respect from others. I don’t know you or your life situation, but if this were my dream, it would mean that I feel have done something irresponsible in regards to my role as a parent, and I am feeling exposed and ashamed about it. If this interpretation fits for you, I’d take it a step further and suggest that the takeaway message is to reverse the tide and find a way to “save face” – do the needful to regain your dignity, and become the person your children would be honored to have as a parent.

See also:

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Shaking hands with the president…

shaking hands with the presidentDream:  I dreamed about shaking hands with the president and having a lively conversation with him.

DreamsMaster:  A president generally represents someone with power and control. To shake hands with the president in a dream could mean that you’re getting in touch with your own inner power and have a sense of control over your life right now. The fact that the two of you are engaged in lively conversation suggests that this sense of power and control are manifesting in your life in the areas of creativity and communication.

Is it clear in the dream which president, specifically, you are shaking hands with? If so, is he the president of the country you currently reside in, or does he preside over a different country? Is this president someone whose political views you generally agree with, or not? These additional pieces of information can add further clarity to the dream’s meaning. For example, if it’s a president you associate with a specific political position that you’ve protested in the past, shaking hands with him in your dream may mean your position or attitude about that subject has become more aligned with his.

When you awoke from the dream, did you have any recollection of the conversation itself? Also, was this “lively conversation” friendly in nature, or was there an edge of conflict or hostility? The nature and tone of the dialog could shed additional light on the dream’s meaning as well.

See more dream interpretation techniques…

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Mirror image…

dreams as reflections, dream symbolDream:  I wake up in a snowy forest. A young girl walks up to me. My dream jumps to me in a tent. A dark cloud comes out of my mouth and forms the shape of a person and floats into a mirror stood near to me. I walk up to the mirror and I see my abusive father and he says, “You, me, what’s the difference.” The mirror shatters. I get shot from behind then I wake up.

DreamsMaster:  My sense from this dream is that you’re questioning whether or not you are a “mirror image” of your abusive father. A part of you feels that you are (the dark cloud that comes out of your mouth and becomes your abusive father), while another part of you desperately wants to shatter that image.

The dark cloud that comes out of your mouth… the day or night before you had this dream, did you have some sort of confrontation with a significant other, in which you said (or bit back) dark or mean things that made you identify with your father?

This dark side of you questions the difference between your father and you, but there’s a healthier part of you that knows better. Join forces with this healthier part, and the next time your father appears in a dream or in your waking imagination, stand tall and assert, “There IS a difference.” And make it so.

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Housekeeper having sex…

Housekeeper having sexDream:  I dreamt that a housekeeper was having sex with my husband.

DreamsMaster:  From the way you phrased it, I’m guessing this housekeeper is not someone you know. If this is the case, then it’s likely this dream character represents an aspect of yourself.

How would you describe this housekeeper? What does a housekeeper represent to you? To me, a housekeeper represents someone in service to someone else. If it were my dream, I might be feeling as if it were my obligation to service my husband sexually. (Remember, this is only my own projection onto your dream, which I’m merely offering as a possible interpretation for your consideration.)

If this line of interpretation doesn’t fit for you, perhaps the housekeeper does not represent an aspect of you, but instead represents another person in your life. Is there anyone you suspect has been having an intimate connection with your husband? Another important thing to consider is what feelings were evoked for you in the dream. Were you angry? Interested? Disinterested?

One more thought that comes to mind is whether or not you have been feeling connected with your husband recently. Whether the housekeeper in the dream represents you or someone else, either way the dream suggests a lack of intimacy between you and your husband. The physical act of sex may be occurring, but is it intimacy?

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