Tag Archive: fertility

Dreamed about feeling my baby…

Dreamed about feeling a babyDream: I am 14 weeks pregnant, in the early morning today I dreamed about feeling my baby in my tummy (like moving baby inside) and when happily I am showing to my mom, sister, suddenly my sister felt afraid n went away all of a sudden my tummy got big as a 9 month pregnant lady n immediately in that moment I delivered a frog with a tiny baby … I woke up suddenly and the time was 6. I am so afraid because everyone says when you get a dream in the morning it would become true. Does this mean anything ??? Many questions in my mind…

DreamsMaster: No, just because you have a dream in the morning does not mean the dream will come true or should be taken literally. In fact, in a normal night’s sleep, we generally have a dream cycle approximately every 90 minutes, with the longest dream period occurring in the morning just before we wake up. This is why we tend to remember our morning dreams more than the ones that occur in the middle of the night.

So, instead of fearing the dream, take a look at what the dream could mean for you symbolically.

Here are a couple of questions to consider that might help you understand this dream…

– In the dream, your sister is afraid. In your waking world, does your sister tend to be overly anxious and fearing the worst in things? It’s possible she appears in your dream to represent this part of you that has underlying concerns about motherhood and the health of your child. It’s very natural to have anxiety mixed in with the joy of pregnancy, but sometimes we try to suppress uncomfortable emotions.

– In the dream, you delivered a frog with a tiny baby. The next question to ponder is, what does a frog represent to you personally? In the Indian culture, a frog often symbolizes reincarnation. In this context, the dream could represent an inner sense that your unborn child is being watched over by the spirit of a loved one. In Native American culture, a frog might represent fertility and prosperity. In this context, the dream could again be a positive symbol of a healthy pregnancy. What might a frog mean to you culturally or personally?

In summary, there is nothing to fear about this dream. In fact, it’s likely just the opposite. From my perspective, the dream appears to be your innermost self trying to ease your mind with reassurances that the life growing inside of you is safe and well protected.

See also:

Blood spotting…

blood spottingDream: I had a dream that I was blood spotting. Can you please tell me what this dream is all about?

DreamsMaster: I’m guessing that by “blood spotting” you mean spotting in the middle of your menstrual cycle. If so, start by looking for any literal meaning. For example:

  • If you are pregnant, check with your doctor to rule out any problems with the pregnancy.
  • If you no longer have menstrual cycles and pregnancy is not a possibility, check with your doctor to rule out any gynecological concerns.

Have you been experiencing any symptoms in your waking world, such as cramping or any other type of pain in your abdomen? It’s possible your dreaming mind is pulling together clues that you’ve been dismissing during your daily life, trying to get your attention.

If the literal angle doesn’t fit, next look at what “blood spotting” may mean to you symbolically. Blood in dreams often symbolizes our life force. Along these lines, “blood spotting” could be a metaphor for losing some of your personal power or strength, either literally or figuratively.

What emotion did you experience in the dream when you became aware of the blood spotting? Were you scared, curious, detached? Does the feeling in the dream resemble any feeling you experienced in your waking world recently? Most of our dreams relate to what was on our mind when we went to sleep, so considering your thoughts and feelings ahead of the dream may provide you with more clues.

See also:

Newly born babies…

Newly born babiesDream: In a dream I was working in the hospital in a labour ward, there a lot of newly born babies sort of piled up all very actively kicking and waiting to be cleaned to be taken to their mothers. I took one on the way then suddenly woke up.

DreamsMaster: When you say, “I took one on the way”, does this mean you took a baby for yourself, or you took one to deliver to the baby’s mother? This is key to the overall interpretation of the dream. The feelings you had in the dream are important indicators of the dream’s message as well. That said, I’ll take this down a few different paths, and you be the judge of which fits best (or perhaps another more fitting angle will occur to you as you read on)…

Path #1: A “literal” perspective, taking “I took one on the way” to mean “I took one for myself”. Let’s say you’re at a stage in life where you’d like to have a child. In this dream, there are many healthy, active babies waiting to be taken to their mothers. The opportunity presents itself, and you take one. If the feeling in the dream is one of pleasantness or joy, the dream could be suggesting the possibility of adoption – taking a baby born of another mother to be your own.

Path #2: A “symbolic” perspective. This time, let’s look as the babies in the dream as symbolic of new life, new possibilities, creativity. Although they are not born from within you, they are all around you for the taking. Brand new babies could symbolize novel ideas, waiting to be cleaned, polished. For example, perhaps you’ve been gathering ideas for a new writing project, or a new career path. The dream could be sending you the message to take one and go with it.

Path #3: Another “symbolic” perspective. In this perspective, imagine the babies are symbolic representations of yourself. I’m going to project myself into the dream and role-play one of the babies, to give you an example of an exercise you can do on your own: “I am a newly born baby. I am helpless, powerless. I am waiting to be taken to my mother, the person who will take care of me for life. I am completely vulnerable and dependent upon others, specifically the woman who has just taken me. I trust that she is capable of taking good care of me.” In this case, the dream could be a message of confirmation that you are indeed capable of taking care of yourself, and maybe could benefit from some self-nurturing.

See also:

Fish and fortune…

fish and fortuneDream:  Eating cooked but not ready fish

DreamsMaster:  Fish and fortune usually go hand-in-hand when it comes to dream interpretation. Fish in dreams often symbolize faith and fertility as well. It’s interesting that in this particular dream the fish is cooked but not ready. This could represent your faith, fortune or fertility (which could also represent creativity) is not yet fully developed, but is on the path. Give it a little more time.

Dream:  I dreamed of an open sea… I saw lots of big fishes… then we cooked heads of big shrimps, squids and other fishes

DreamsMaster:  Although every dream is personal to the dreamer and only the dreamer can truly interpret it, my sense is that this dream is a sign of riches ahead for you. An open sea could represent endless possibilities, while catching big fishes to feast on could represent the bounty ahead.


Additional note: Although dreams about fish or eating fish often symbolically represent good fortune or fertility, sometimes a dream about eating fish has a literal meaning. The body could be craving certain qualities of fish such as omega-3 fatty acids, which are believed to have important benefits to the heart and even to infant development during pregnancy. In this case, a dream about eating fish could be a message to the dreamer to add fish to the dreamer’s diet.

See also:

Having a baby…

Having a babyDream: I keep on dreaming about me having a baby also me holding the baby and being with child.

DreamsMaster: If you’re at an age and stage in life where having a baby is a possibility for you, then this dream may be foretelling your future. It’s actually quite common for a woman to dream of having or holding a baby before it’s confirmed that she’s pregnant. This is a time when a woman’s intuition is particularly keen.

When the literal interpretation of pregnancy is ruled out, dreams of having a baby carry powerful symbolism. A baby represents new life, new possibilities. This newness could manifest in the form of a creative new venture, or it could represent a new or renewed spiritual path. If your emotional state in the dream was happy, then the dream could signify positive new growth in your life to be excited about. If you felt anxious or upset, then perhaps part of the dream’s message is to give yourself a bit more nurturing and seek out support during this growthful time in your life.

As this is a recurring dream, your innermost mind is working hard to deliver an important message to you. One thing you can count on… prepare for a major change in your life!

See also: