Tag Archive: water

He asks if I love him…

if I love him, beautiful oceanDream:   I’m in a house with an unknown person. He asks if I love him. I look out of the window and see a beautiful ocean.

DreamsMaster:   I see three main parts to this dream: An unknown person, the question of love, and a beautiful ocean. Let’s take each piece separately and then pull them together.

1) An unknown person: How would you describe this person? For example, what color hair did he have? What was he wearing? Did you find him attractive? Why or why not? Come up with at least three words to describe his personality. Does this description remind you of anyone you know today, or perhaps of someone you would like to know? Taking this a step deeper into dream symbolism, could this description fit an innermost part of you that needs more love and reassurance?

2) Love: How do you feel when he asks if you love him? Are you annoyed by the question, or do you find it romantic? Do you ponder the question, and try to decide whether or not you do have loving feelings inside? Does an answer evolve?

3) Window to a beautiful ocean: Water in a dream often represents one’s emotional state. In this dream, you’re looking at a beautiful ocean. This says to me that you’ve got a wealth of emotion inside of you, just waiting to be tapped.

Ultimately, the key to the dream’s meaning lies within you. But if this were my dream, I’d pull the pieces together this way:

There’s a part of me that needs reassurance that I’m lovable. I look outside myself for this reassurance, but in reality I can only get it from within. Once I believe in myself as being lovable, I’ll be able to unleash the emotion inside of me and fully engage in a loving relationship.

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Thin ice and mice…

MiceDream: For the past two nights I’ve dreamed of my deceased dad in bed. On both occasions he never spoke. One dream I was walking on ice that was about to break, but i jumped into the bed he was on and the ice stop breaking. The other bed dream there were mice infested in the room we were in.

DreamsMaster: A bed often represents a resting place, and since your deceased dad is in bed in both dreams, perhaps this is a way of you coming to terms with him “resting in peace”. The fact that both dreams are anxiety-provoking leads me to think that something unsettling is going on in your waking life, and perhaps you’re wishing you had your dad to turn to for help.

There’s a clear metaphor in the first dream: Where in your life do you feel you’re “walking on thin ice”, or in a precarious situation? You reached out for your father in the dream for protection. If your father were alive, what words of wisdom might he share with you to get you through this difficult time?

Water or ice in a dream may also represent one’s emotions. Viewed from this perspective, this dream scene could represent a fragile or vulnerable emotional state. If your father died relatively recently (“recently” is purely subjective), or if the dream occurred around the anniversary of his death or other event when you’re particularly aware of his absence, the dream could be connected with a wave of grief surfacing, breaking through the thin veneer of “holding it together”.

As for the second dream, mice may symbolize different things depending on your personal association with mice. From your description, mice infesting a room could symbolize certain situations or people in your life becoming overwhelming. A mouse may also represent timidity. In this case, the dream could be sending you a message to be more forthright – perhaps a trait your dad had, or would encourage you to have.

See also:

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Flooded bridge…

floodedDream:  I had a dream that I was on a bus. It was raining and sunny. The bridge was full of water, to the point that it was flooded, and the bus driver takes us off the road.

DreamsMaster:  Let’s start by looking at the theme of the dream: You are in transition (riding a bus), and there are obstacles in the way of your getting to the other side (flooded bridge).

Experiencing  “flooding” in a dream often represents being “flooded with emotion”. Water may also represent one’s deeper spirituality. It’s interesting that it’s both raining and sunny. This could represent mood swings related to the challenges and rewards experienced along the way.

The driver steers you clear of danger (takes you off the road). This could represent the part of you that remains in control, despite the emotional swings and life challenges.

As you read these possibilities, is anything getting triggered inside of you? Are you able to identify where in your life this theme may be occurring? As an additional clue, think of what was on your mind the night you had the dream.

My general sense is that although you may be going through a lot in your life right now, you’ll maintain control and have good judgment getting yourself through the challenges.

Read more about Dream Interpretation…

Fish jumping…

Fish jumpingDream:  I could see the fish jumping out the water, and when I pulled my line up I caught 3 fish

DreamsMaster:  Fish are often a sign of good fortune in dreams. Fish jumping in the water may also be a symbol of fertility or conception, and it’s significant that you caught three.

Water often represents our emotional or spiritual state. In this context, fish jumping could represent ideas percolating beneath consciousness. Catching fish could represent getting hold of these ideas.

For some, the fish is a symbol of Christianity, and three could represent the trinity.

Think about what was on your mind the night you had the dream, and consider these ideas to see if you can uncover the true meaning for yourself. In general, this dream represents good things happening for you. Enjoy!

Read more about Popular Dream Themes…