Trying to rob the house…

rob the houseDream: I dreamed that someone was trying to rob the house and I told my older son to get into a vent and to not come out until I told him to. After the man left I was looking for my son and I couldn’t find him. I went to apartment 4 and I saw a newborn that looked just like my son.

DreamsMaster: Let’s take this piece by piece then pull the puzzle together…

House: A house in a dream generally represents your self, your personal space.

Someone trying to rob the house: An unknown person in a dream often represents a part of ourselves that is somewhat hidden to ourselves, also known as our “shadow”.

Told older son to get into a vent: Trying to protect or control your child by directing him into a small, confined space.

Apartment 4: In your waking world, is there an actual apartment 4 in your living space? If so, do you know who lives there, and do you have any association with this person? How would you describe him/her/them? If there is no actual apartment 4, what does the number “4” mean to you?

Newborn that looks like your son: This could represent a form of regression, and it could also represent new life.

Here is my interpretation, if this were my dream…

I feel threatened that I may be losing my son… he’s growing up, but I want to continue to protect him, keep him closely contained under my careful watch… but that won’t keep him from his ultimate destiny… I can’t keep him as a child forever… he is being born into a new life, perhaps entering a new stage in life.

See also: