
What does it mean to dream about cats?

Killed cheetah and lion with scimitar…

Killed cheetah and lion with scimitarDream: I dreamt that I first killed a cheetah and afterwards a large majestic, ferocious and yet beautiful female lion. They were trying to attack some people in a kind of a huge mansion. The craziest thing was that I had killed them both with a freaking scimitar! And I was the only one in my dream to step forward while all others had stepped back or fled the scene (it was a huge floor and the surroundings kind of resembled a small coliseum in a huge mansion). I wasn’t scared at all from the big cats. I actually felt brave and confident. They didn’t give that much of a struggle even though they were showing teeth and growling at me. They tried to get in close but I kept fending them off. The cheetah was the first one to die, and afterwards I threw the lion to the ground and held it down with one foot so it wouldn’t get up and meanwhile I slowly shoved the scimitar into its heart. The weirdest thing was that after I killed the lion I felt kind of sorry for it because it was such a majestic and beautiful animal. I remember wanting to skin the lion and to wear its hide.

DreamsMaster: This dream is rich with symbolism, which can only be fully interpreted by you. However, because you provided so much detail, I can more easily project myself into the dream and provide interpretation ideas for your consideration.

Cheetah and female lion: Power, aggression, beauty. These powerful felines could symbolize these aspects in yourself, or they may symbolize outside forces such as other individuals or even nations that have majestic and beautiful aspects yet at the same time may be perceived as a threat.

Mansion/coliseum: In dreams, dwellings or buildings generally represent the self or ego. To dream of a mansion could symbolize an expansive ego or sense of self. The fact that others are in this mansion and you feel the need to protect them could mean that you feel you have an expanded sense of personal power and resourcefulness. Also, the fact that the inside of the mansion resembles a coliseum could represent the sense that you feel you are the center of attention in an important contest.

Scimitar: A trusted source cited the scimitar as a weapon that originated in the Middle East, popular within Islamic armies. To dream of killing with this ancient weapon could represent a desire to take control and conquer a perceived threat to one’s deep-seated cultural roots.

If this were my dream, the dream may represent a strong desire to demonstrate my personal power, pride and dignity in the face of a threat that I perceive as majestic yet vulnerable.

See also:

I dreamed I was falling…

Dreamed I was fallingDream: This dream I had last night. I dreamed I was falling and I was so frightened. But I started to take control of my fear and landed safely. When I looked around me I saw cats everywhere and I felt safe again.

DreamsMaster: What a great dream! To have an experience of falling – the essence of feeling ungrounded, lacking support, out of control – and then to convert that experience into taking control of your fear and landing safely is a very powerful dream experience, which you can now take and translate to your waking world. In other words, you now know on a deeper level how to control your thoughts and emotions in such a way as to convert fear into positive action.

Cats in a dream commonly symbolize feminine energy, as well as power and freedom. To me, a cat also symbolizes independence (similar to freedom) and wisdom. More important is what cats mean to you. Think about how you would describe a cat, and then look at that description and consider how those traits may be aspects of yourself – aspects that contribute to your sense of safety in the world.

See also:

Cats biting toes…

Dreams about cats, cats biting toesDream:  My sister and I are sleeping but I woke up because our cats are biting our toes. I tried to shoo away the cats but they are not going away and continued biting me.

DreamsMaster:  If the cats in your dream are your actual cats in the waking world, it’s possible the dream has more of a literal interpretation than a symbolic one. Your cats are insistent upon getting your attention, trying to stir you to action. Have you been questioning the well-being of your cats lately? Have you been tending to their needs, such as giving them plenty of water and keeping their litter box clean?

On a symbolic level, cats in dreams often represent our feminine side, and to be awaken by cats could symbolize a personal awakening to one’s femininity. Cats also symbolize intuition. In this dream, the cats are persistently biting at your toes and you’re trying to shoo them away. If it were my dream, I’d interpret this to mean that there’s resistance to accepting these developing aspects of myself. Also, since your sister is in the dream sleeping alongside you, it’s possible you recognize she’s unconscious about these developing aspects of herself as well.

In general, it appears that your dreaming mind is trying to give you a “wake-up call” to take care of some business. If it’s not literally about your cats, then think of what else in your daily life has been nagging at you, and will not go away until you give it your full attention.

See also:

Two cats and a tiger…

Countryside, cats and a tigerDream:  I had a dream away from home at another house in the country side.  Went for walk on return saw two cats at the front gate with their heads cuts off.  Then a tiger passes by very calmly not doing or attacking.

DreamsMaster:  Here are some ideas of what these symbols may represent. As you read through them, think about what fits for you personally.

– House: our core self, particularly our security and safety.

– Cats: in general, a cat often represents power and freedom, especially for females; it may also represent femininity.

– Tiger: a tiger often signifies dignity and power; it may also represent feelings or emotions that frighten you.

Insert these symbols into the theme of the dream, like this:

Went for walk (stepped away from my core sense of self and security)… on return saw two cats at the front gate with their heads cuts off (diminished sense of femininity, power, freedom)… Then a tiger passes by very calmly not doing or attacking (dignity, power, frightening emotions).

Pulling it all together, perhaps the dream is telling you there may be risks if you let your guard down and stray too far from your core identity, but you can overcome them by maintaining your sense of dignity and personal power.

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