Tag Archive: dignity

Dreaming about poo…

dreaming about pooDream: The past days I have been dreaming about poo. Either I am doing it or I am wiping babies poo.

DreamsMaster: Poo in dreams often symbolizes unpleasant or personally unacceptable negative thoughts and feelings.

If you are doing it, then it may represent that you have the need to release some unpleasant emotions. For example, you may be harboring anger or resentment toward someone close to you, and you may be feeling guilty about having these *shitty* feelings. Or, you may be having a tough time with your job or your boss, and are in need of relieving yourself of some pent-up frustration.

If you dream of wiping your own baby’s poo, it’s possible this means you are holding back unpleasant or negative thoughts and feelings about parenting. It’s generally not socially or personally acceptable to have ambivalent feelings about one’s child or the role of parenting, but it’s a very common experience. Our feelings need an outlet, and it’s not uncommon for them to express themselves subconsciously in our dreams.

If you are wiping an unknown baby’s poo, this could represent trying to wipe away negative feelings about your own early childhood, or about having children in general.

Consider all of these possibilities, and go with your felt sense about what your dreams are trying to communicate to you. If none of these ideas fit, check out more dream interpretation techniques on Dreams.com.

See also:

Killed cheetah and lion with scimitar…

Killed cheetah and lion with scimitarDream: I dreamt that I first killed a cheetah and afterwards a large majestic, ferocious and yet beautiful female lion. They were trying to attack some people in a kind of a huge mansion. The craziest thing was that I had killed them both with a freaking scimitar! And I was the only one in my dream to step forward while all others had stepped back or fled the scene (it was a huge floor and the surroundings kind of resembled a small coliseum in a huge mansion). I wasn’t scared at all from the big cats. I actually felt brave and confident. They didn’t give that much of a struggle even though they were showing teeth and growling at me. They tried to get in close but I kept fending them off. The cheetah was the first one to die, and afterwards I threw the lion to the ground and held it down with one foot so it wouldn’t get up and meanwhile I slowly shoved the scimitar into its heart. The weirdest thing was that after I killed the lion I felt kind of sorry for it because it was such a majestic and beautiful animal. I remember wanting to skin the lion and to wear its hide.

DreamsMaster: This dream is rich with symbolism, which can only be fully interpreted by you. However, because you provided so much detail, I can more easily project myself into the dream and provide interpretation ideas for your consideration.

Cheetah and female lion: Power, aggression, beauty. These powerful felines could symbolize these aspects in yourself, or they may symbolize outside forces such as other individuals or even nations that have majestic and beautiful aspects yet at the same time may be perceived as a threat.

Mansion/coliseum: In dreams, dwellings or buildings generally represent the self or ego. To dream of a mansion could symbolize an expansive ego or sense of self. The fact that others are in this mansion and you feel the need to protect them could mean that you feel you have an expanded sense of personal power and resourcefulness. Also, the fact that the inside of the mansion resembles a coliseum could represent the sense that you feel you are the center of attention in an important contest.

Scimitar: A trusted source cited the scimitar as a weapon that originated in the Middle East, popular within Islamic armies. To dream of killing with this ancient weapon could represent a desire to take control and conquer a perceived threat to one’s deep-seated cultural roots.

If this were my dream, the dream may represent a strong desire to demonstrate my personal power, pride and dignity in the face of a threat that I perceive as majestic yet vulnerable.

See also:

Digging a grave…

Digging a graveDream: I had this dream about digging a grave. What does this mean?

DreamsMaster: There is clear symbolism in this dream, though the actual meaning is up to you to determine. Consider these possibilities…

To dream about digging a grave could mean something has died and you are laying it to rest. It may be an end to a job or a relationship, or it could be that some part of you has died, such as a sense of freedom or an old self-image.

Also, the saying “You’ve dug your own grave” comes to mind, used when someone is responsible for his or her own downfall or ruin. If you’re familiar with this figure of speech, then consider if it may hold some truth for you – have you “dug your own grave” or done something you fear will be “the death of you”, figuratively speaking?

Dreams of one’s own death almost always reflect the fact that we have reached the point of being willing to relinquish our old roles and self-images, and for this reason these are often the most important dreams of all.

– Ann Faraday, The Dream Game

See also:

Recurring dream about a house…

Recurring dream about a houseDream: I keep having this recurring dream about a house. There is this house I keep going to, this house doesn’t look as large as it is. I open doors in this house that have many furnished rooms. Some of these rooms are in disarray. There are clothes in the closets that make me think people once lived there. There is not a number on the house. I have this dream 3 to 4 times a year! Could you please tell me what this means!

DreamsMaster: A house in a dream commonly represents one’s Self, which is to say one’s personal identity or personality. Consider this as you think about how you’ve described this particular house in your dream. I’m going to project myself into your dream and interpret it as if it were my dream…

It doesn’t look as large as it is: Looks may be deceiving – I may not appear like much on the surface, but inside I’m complex and multi-faceted.

Many furnished rooms: On the most part I’m well put together. There’s no mention of the style of the furnishings, so perhaps this represents that on the whole my thinking is rather conventional.

Some rooms are in disarray: Part of me is confused and not as well organized in my thinking; some areas are feeling out of control.

Clothes in the closets, other people once lived there: Could represent different personas I’ve donned in my life, different roles I’ve assumed.

No number on the house: I’m reminded of the lyrics of a Bob Seger song, “I feel like a number — I’m not a number”, having to do with one’s individuality. Could also represent lacking a feeling of belonging, not an established part of the community.

The fact that this is a recurring dream suggests repeated circumstances in your waking life have been triggering a level of self-reflection. Speaking of levels… is this house one-story or multiple stories? This also may be a metaphor for how “grounded” you are, or how “multi-dimensional”.

When you dream of this house, what feelings are evoked inside of you? Is it a pleasant experience, or is it uncomfortable? Do you feel at home in the house, or do you feel like an intruder? The dream could be making a statement about how comfortable you are in your own skin, as you transition through the events in your life.

Next time the dream occurs, make note of what was on your mind that night and what you did the previous day. Do this each time you have the dream, and you’re bound to recognize a pattern. The dream is processing something important, and trying to send you a message. It may be your innermost self telling you to “take inventory” of your life, and to consider what you could be doing to eliminate some of the clutter.

See also:

I am at a wedding, a Roman Catholic service…

at a weddingDream: I am at a wedding, a very large wedding. There seems to be a Roman Catholic service in progress. I meet a cousin that was deceiving in the past and embrace her, then I turn to my mother and take off my wedding ring (I am happily married) and give it to my mother to keep. What does this dream mean or reveal?

DreamsMaster: A wedding in a dream often symbolizes transition and new beginnings. The presence of the Roman Catholic service is quite significant, though its specific significance is dependent on your personal association to the Roman Catholic religion. Regardless, it’s a spiritual symbol, so the wedding likely represents a spiritual transition.

Depending on how close you are with this cousin that appears in the dream, the way you describe the scene appears to represent forgiveness. It could be genuine forgiveness of the cousin herself, or it could be forgiveness of an aspect of yourself that was “deceiving” in the past.

You take off your wedding ring and give it to your mother to keep. This may be symbolic of your lasting commitment to your mother as her devoted son. This act may also symbolize your elevation to a greater level of maturity and obligation in both the physical and spiritual realm.

Putting it all together, stated as if it were my dream:

I am in a state of spiritual transition. I experience this through transforming negative judgment lodged in the past to present-day forgiveness, as well as by honoring my role as a faithful son.

See also: