Tag Archive: healing

Giving a eulogy for my mother…

Giving a eulogy for my motherDream: I dreamt I was giving a eulogy for my mother. I did the introduction of her brothers and could not continue. A friend held me and I woke up actually crying.

DreamsMaster: Such heavy grief. As distressing as this dream is, it is actually very healing, as we must feel in order to heal.

If your mother is deceased or has been recently diagnosed with a terminal illness, the dream could be a literal channel for your grief and loss.

If your mother is alive and well, then the dream may symbolize the end or death of your old relationship with her. It’s also possible that your mother in your dream represents a part of you that identifies with her, perhaps a part that you’ve lost touch with and miss dearly.

A takeaway from the dream could be to go ahead and actually write that eulogy for your mother, if you haven’t already. Say everything that needs to be said – acknowledge all she’s accomplished in her life and what she’s meant to you. Allow your feelings to pour out unfiltered and without judgment.

This is a very important dream on many levels – honor it by taking action.

See also:

Dreamed about rainbows…

RainbowsDream: I dreamed about seeing lots and lots of rainbows in the sky.

DreamsMaster: Good fortune is heading your way! Perhaps you have been going through some difficult times. This dream of rainbows likely means that difficult period is coming to an end, and you will have prosperous times ahead – both worldly and spiritually. Enjoy!

See also:

Funeral for my parents…

FuneralDream: I dreamed of being in a funeral for both my parents. I was so much weeping in pain and much more for the mum. I lost my parents 7 (dad) and 15 (mum) years ago respectively. Please let me know what would this mean to dream this now.

DreamsMaster: Something is going on in your life at this time that is triggering this grief reaction.

It could be an anniversary, birthday or family holiday. For example, in the US, the observance of Mother’s Day occurred this past month, which could have been a trigger depending on your location and culture. It could also be a recent death or funeral of someone you know or that you heard about in the news. You may not have consciously connected the event to your personal loss, but the sleeping mind makes the connection for us.

Another possibility is that you may be dealing with some intense challenges in life right now, and the child inside may be particularly craving the comfort and security that your parents may represent, especially your mum.

Grief comes in waves. Sometimes the ocean is raging, other times calm. Although the grief in the dream was painful, it was clearly necessary. So, even if the immediate message in the dream isn’t clear to you, trust that the dream itself was healing.

See also:

A dream about flying, snakes and family…

snakes and familyDream: My husband shared with me a dream he had about flying, snakes and family. He was going camping with his family, his mom (who died several years ago), his dad, his grandfather (who also has passed away) and his three sisters. They each live in different states so were driving to the camp site. He parked his truck and his body was flying. There was also a waterfall and bridge over the waterfall. He came to a river and followed it until it forked where he went to the left. When he got to the camp ground there were 300 dead snakes laid out. He thought the people before him had killed the snakes. There were still snakes in the camp ground. He told his parents that his sisters would not be happy about the snakes. He was alarmed and didn’t understand why his parents were not alarmed. His mom said it was ok because you could see any snake that tried to come into a zipped up tent. My husband flew back and got his truck to drive to the camp ground. One of his sisters was asleep in the camper that he and his sisters were supposed to sleep in. The other sisters arrived but didn’t seem overly concerned. My husband carried his gun around with him but became less concerned as the dream continued.

DreamsMaster: I’m going to project myself into this dream, and offer some ideas of what may be going on. Only your husband will know for sure, but as he reads through my impressions, hopefully it will help direct him toward a fitting interpretation of his own…

Family reunion camping: Was there a time in his life when his family went on camping trips together? If so, were these good times or tense? If not, a family reunion camping trip could be symbolic of seeing the clan out in the open, metaphorically speaking – seeing one another as they really are.

Flying: The ability to rise above conflict. Also, the ability to see things from a higher perspective.

Waterfall and river: Water often symbolizes one’s emotional or spiritual state. In this case, both water sources are moving, not sitting stagnant. This says to me something is stirring inside.

300 dead snakes killed by people before: Snakes sometimes symbolize evil, or something not to be trusted. It’s striking that there’s such a large number of them killed – in the past – laid out in clear view. And still more are present. Past and present. Could these represent family secrets?

He’s alarmed but not his parents: His eyes are open, he has a broader perspective; his parents are more oblivious to the danger, perhaps not aware of things as he is, not seeing things from the same perspective.

Mom feels safe in zipped up tent: Mom is protected or shielded now, perhaps a reference to her having passed on, or could also be the sense that she protected herself from the family secrets or falsehoods in her living form as well.

One sister asleep, other sisters not concerned: Sisters are similar to Mom, unphased by the sinister surroundings, or unconscious about it all. Another reference to past and present?

Your husband carried gun for protection, but became less concerned: Lowering defenses, perhaps doesn’t need to be so guarded around his family anymore… past, or present.

See also:

Cut the cord…

Cut the cordDream: My dad passed away going on two years now. I dreamt that I was at a wedding and I walked upstairs and into my grandmother’s bedroom (my dad’s mother who is also deceased). I saw a figure lying in her bed with the covers pulled up over the head. I pulled the covers down and it was my dad. My first time dreaming about him since he passed away. He was asleep and never opened his eyes. In a joking way he asked me why did I make him cut the cord. Then he says “You know you’ re pregnant right? and it’s a boy.” Then at the end of the dream I was carrying a baby boy that appeared to be my dad.

DreamsMaster: My sense is this is a very special dream. It has elements of healing and new life, and also has the feel of a visitation, as if your dad’s spirit has actually found its way to you through your dream.

When I project myself into your dream, these themes call out to me:

– Wedding: A transition to a new chapter in life.

– Cut the cord: Also a transition, from parent-child dependence to independence.

– Pregnant: Creation of new life, bringing new life into the world. This could be literal, if you’re in a stage of life where having a child is a possibility, or it could be a metaphor for a new sense of self evolving inside you.

– Carrying a baby boy that may be your dad: Similar to the theme of pregnancy, this could have literal meaning as well as metaphorical meaning. In a literal sense, you may be carrying a child that has your dad’s spirit within. In a metaphorical sense, this could represent your new role in life… whereas once you were dependent on your father to carry you or take care of you, now the tables are turned — you are the adult and it’s up to you to be in the adult, care-giving role.

All of these images represent transition and new life. The fact that this is the first time you’ve had a dream about your dad since he passed away says to me that you are transitioning to a new level of acceptance in regards to the cycle of grief and loss. Death and birth are interrelated. Death is an ending, and birth a beginning. This dream appears to me as a gift signifying new beginnings for you.

See also: