
What does it mean to dream about animals?

Dreamed about feeling my baby…

Dreamed about feeling a babyDream: I am 14 weeks pregnant, in the early morning today I dreamed about feeling my baby in my tummy (like moving baby inside) and when happily I am showing to my mom, sister, suddenly my sister felt afraid n went away all of a sudden my tummy got big as a 9 month pregnant lady n immediately in that moment I delivered a frog with a tiny baby … I woke up suddenly and the time was 6. I am so afraid because everyone says when you get a dream in the morning it would become true. Does this mean anything ??? Many questions in my mind…

DreamsMaster: No, just because you have a dream in the morning does not mean the dream will come true or should be taken literally. In fact, in a normal night’s sleep, we generally have a dream cycle approximately every 90 minutes, with the longest dream period occurring in the morning just before we wake up. This is why we tend to remember our morning dreams more than the ones that occur in the middle of the night.

So, instead of fearing the dream, take a look at what the dream could mean for you symbolically.

Here are a couple of questions to consider that might help you understand this dream…

– In the dream, your sister is afraid. In your waking world, does your sister tend to be overly anxious and fearing the worst in things? It’s possible she appears in your dream to represent this part of you that has underlying concerns about motherhood and the health of your child. It’s very natural to have anxiety mixed in with the joy of pregnancy, but sometimes we try to suppress uncomfortable emotions.

– In the dream, you delivered a frog with a tiny baby. The next question to ponder is, what does a frog represent to you personally? In the Indian culture, a frog often symbolizes reincarnation. In this context, the dream could represent an inner sense that your unborn child is being watched over by the spirit of a loved one. In Native American culture, a frog might represent fertility and prosperity. In this context, the dream could again be a positive symbol of a healthy pregnancy. What might a frog mean to you culturally or personally?

In summary, there is nothing to fear about this dream. In fact, it’s likely just the opposite. From my perspective, the dream appears to be your innermost self trying to ease your mind with reassurances that the life growing inside of you is safe and well protected.

See also:

Killed cheetah and lion with scimitar…

Killed cheetah and lion with scimitarDream: I dreamt that I first killed a cheetah and afterwards a large majestic, ferocious and yet beautiful female lion. They were trying to attack some people in a kind of a huge mansion. The craziest thing was that I had killed them both with a freaking scimitar! And I was the only one in my dream to step forward while all others had stepped back or fled the scene (it was a huge floor and the surroundings kind of resembled a small coliseum in a huge mansion). I wasn’t scared at all from the big cats. I actually felt brave and confident. They didn’t give that much of a struggle even though they were showing teeth and growling at me. They tried to get in close but I kept fending them off. The cheetah was the first one to die, and afterwards I threw the lion to the ground and held it down with one foot so it wouldn’t get up and meanwhile I slowly shoved the scimitar into its heart. The weirdest thing was that after I killed the lion I felt kind of sorry for it because it was such a majestic and beautiful animal. I remember wanting to skin the lion and to wear its hide.

DreamsMaster: This dream is rich with symbolism, which can only be fully interpreted by you. However, because you provided so much detail, I can more easily project myself into the dream and provide interpretation ideas for your consideration.

Cheetah and female lion: Power, aggression, beauty. These powerful felines could symbolize these aspects in yourself, or they may symbolize outside forces such as other individuals or even nations that have majestic and beautiful aspects yet at the same time may be perceived as a threat.

Mansion/coliseum: In dreams, dwellings or buildings generally represent the self or ego. To dream of a mansion could symbolize an expansive ego or sense of self. The fact that others are in this mansion and you feel the need to protect them could mean that you feel you have an expanded sense of personal power and resourcefulness. Also, the fact that the inside of the mansion resembles a coliseum could represent the sense that you feel you are the center of attention in an important contest.

Scimitar: A trusted source cited the scimitar as a weapon that originated in the Middle East, popular within Islamic armies. To dream of killing with this ancient weapon could represent a desire to take control and conquer a perceived threat to one’s deep-seated cultural roots.

If this were my dream, the dream may represent a strong desire to demonstrate my personal power, pride and dignity in the face of a threat that I perceive as majestic yet vulnerable.

See also:

Being chased by a dog…

Chased by a dogDream: I have been having a reoccurring dream where I am being chased by a dog. I’ve been having this dream for roughly ten years. It changes over time but more or less the same. The dog is not vicious (although at one point it was), it just tends to chase after me. It’s sometimes barking, but mainly just starts chasing me.

Last night I had the dream again and this time it is like embedded into my thoughts today. This normally does not happen as I tend to just forget my dreams as the day progresses.

Last night’s dream… I was walking down what seemed to be a street. Next thing you know I see a dog staring at me. I begin to run away from it. The dog proceeds to chase me down the street. I end up jumping over a fence to get away. The dog jumps over it as well. I jump over other side of fence and so does the dog again. Finally I jumped over the fence as did the dog. We made eye contact and I woke up. I did not wake up in fear but i could not get back to sleep. 

Please if you have any thoughts in regards to this I would truly appreciate it, as I am beginning to think my dreams have been trying to tell me something and I truly have no clue.

DreamsMaster: Yes, recurring dreams mean that your innermost self is trying to send you an important message. And the fact that this particular time the dream wouldn’t leave you adds extra emphasis to the urgency of the message. You mentioned that the dream first occurred 10 years ago. Can you recall what was going on in your life around the time you first had the dream? This would provide the first clue as to its meaning.

The dream’s recurring theme is rather straightforward: being chased by a dog. Let’s start by considering what a dog represents to you personally.

Since I don’t know you and can’t interview you in person, I will offer some general ideas of what a dog in a dream might mean. See if any of these seem to fit for you, and if not, see what other ideas are triggered that are more relevant.

A dog is often regarded as “man’s best friend” because of its unconditional trust and loyalty. A dog is also dependent on its master. In your dreams, the dog could represent someone in your life, or it could represent an aspect of yourself. It might even represent both. Here are some examples…

Perhaps the dream occurs when you are dealing with someone who is somewhat dependent on you. It might be a partner, a younger sibling, or even a child. At times this person’s dependency might become a bit overwhelming for you, and you may have an unconscious desire to run away from the responsibility. You may also be feeling some guilt about this, and trying to run from that feeling as well. This could be one possible interpretation of the dream metaphor of running away from the dog – trying to flee from the perceived burden of responsibility.

Being chased by “man’s best friend” could also by symbolic of betrayal. In other words, the dog could represent someone you’ve trusted and that has been loyal to you has suddenly turned on you.

Now let’s say there’s no one in your life that fits either of these descriptions. In this case, it’s possible that at times you unconsciously distrust and tend toward fleeing situations (such as potential relationships or jobs) that may require a certain level of personal responsibility.

Finally, take a look at these traits in yourself: dependent, loyal, trusting. Do you distrust or feel anxious about these aspects in yourself? Have they gotten you in trouble in the past? Do you experience any fear of commitment?

An important common factor in this repetitive dream is that at no time are you in actual danger. In fact, in the last dream you finally stop and make eye contact with the dog. This could represent that you’re ready to face your fear and stop running from this misconceived threat in your life.

Start keeping track of what was on your mind the night before you have the dream. You’ll see a pattern emerge, which will shed further light on the dream. Once you start acting on the dream’s message, the dream will either no longer occur or will change in nature… don’t be surprised to find yourself petting the dog instead of running away from it!

See also:

Baby bats flying out of the drawer…

Baby batsBaby bats flying out of the drawer…

Dream: I was standing in front of a dresser with it open and I was pouring gravy in the drawer and then baby bats would fly out I did it over and over again.

DreamsMaster: Key to understanding the meaning of this dream is to understand what the different symbols mean to you personally. Since I don’t know you, I will project my own thoughts and meanings onto the dream. As you read, consider what might fit for you, and when something does not fit, ask yourself what might fit better.

Dresser:  In my home, a dresser contains clothes, organized into different drawers. If this were my dream, the dresser would represent my self-image, and depending on which drawer I was pouring the gravy into, would reflect on what element of my self-image the dream was about. For example, my main dresser drawer contains my undergarments. In this case, the dresser drawer in the dream may represent my self-image related to my sexuality.

Gravy:  What do you usually pour gravy over? If this were my dream, I usually pour gravy over foods that I want to enhance their flavor. So in this context, gravy would represent something that makes something else more palatable.

Bats:  Bats in dreams sometimes represent something scary, but baby bats would minimize the fear.

Now let’s pull the symbols together to tell a story. Again, I will frame this as my own dream, while you project your own personal symbols over mine:

I am pouring gravy (something tasty) into the drawer (my self-image) and baby bats (something not so scary) come out.

Phrased another way, if this were my dream, this is the message I might get from it:

There is something about my private identity that scares me, but if I allow myself to view it another way, I might actually find it enjoyable and discover that it’s not as scary as I think.

See also:

A dream about flying, snakes and family…

snakes and familyDream: My husband shared with me a dream he had about flying, snakes and family. He was going camping with his family, his mom (who died several years ago), his dad, his grandfather (who also has passed away) and his three sisters. They each live in different states so were driving to the camp site. He parked his truck and his body was flying. There was also a waterfall and bridge over the waterfall. He came to a river and followed it until it forked where he went to the left. When he got to the camp ground there were 300 dead snakes laid out. He thought the people before him had killed the snakes. There were still snakes in the camp ground. He told his parents that his sisters would not be happy about the snakes. He was alarmed and didn’t understand why his parents were not alarmed. His mom said it was ok because you could see any snake that tried to come into a zipped up tent. My husband flew back and got his truck to drive to the camp ground. One of his sisters was asleep in the camper that he and his sisters were supposed to sleep in. The other sisters arrived but didn’t seem overly concerned. My husband carried his gun around with him but became less concerned as the dream continued.

DreamsMaster: I’m going to project myself into this dream, and offer some ideas of what may be going on. Only your husband will know for sure, but as he reads through my impressions, hopefully it will help direct him toward a fitting interpretation of his own…

Family reunion camping: Was there a time in his life when his family went on camping trips together? If so, were these good times or tense? If not, a family reunion camping trip could be symbolic of seeing the clan out in the open, metaphorically speaking – seeing one another as they really are.

Flying: The ability to rise above conflict. Also, the ability to see things from a higher perspective.

Waterfall and river: Water often symbolizes one’s emotional or spiritual state. In this case, both water sources are moving, not sitting stagnant. This says to me something is stirring inside.

300 dead snakes killed by people before: Snakes sometimes symbolize evil, or something not to be trusted. It’s striking that there’s such a large number of them killed – in the past – laid out in clear view. And still more are present. Past and present. Could these represent family secrets?

He’s alarmed but not his parents: His eyes are open, he has a broader perspective; his parents are more oblivious to the danger, perhaps not aware of things as he is, not seeing things from the same perspective.

Mom feels safe in zipped up tent: Mom is protected or shielded now, perhaps a reference to her having passed on, or could also be the sense that she protected herself from the family secrets or falsehoods in her living form as well.

One sister asleep, other sisters not concerned: Sisters are similar to Mom, unphased by the sinister surroundings, or unconscious about it all. Another reference to past and present?

Your husband carried gun for protection, but became less concerned: Lowering defenses, perhaps doesn’t need to be so guarded around his family anymore… past, or present.

See also: