
What does it mean to dream about animals?

Bats trying to get in…

Dream about batsDream:  Dreamed of bats lots trying to get into windows. My son let two in and I was frightened. He let two in.

DreamsMaster:  A bat (or two, in this case) can mean different things to different people. Here’s how to approach interpreting this dream…

1) Let’s begin by looking at the theme of the dream. In general terms, what is going on? For example, the theme of this dream could be: There’s a whole lot of something threatening outside, and someone has allowed some of the threat to get in.

2) Next, look at the specific dream symbols (such as person, place or thing) and think or write about what each means to you personally. Here’s an example from my own personal perspective – if this were my dream – but keep in mind these are only my personal projections onto your dream; you’re the one that needs to decide what fits!

Bat = Something with a reputation for being dangerous, but in reality is not. (Why, specifically, were you afraid of the bats in your dream?)

House = Sense of Self.

Window = Protection.

Son = If I had a son, in this dream the son would represent himself.

Two = The concern is twofold.

3) Take a look at the feelings evoked in the dream, and see if you can connect them to feelings you’ve been experiencing and perhaps denying in your daily life. To be “frightened” usually includes feeling vulnerable and lacking control. Are these feelings familiar to you?

4) Now, take the dream, theme and symbols and pull it all together. Here’s another example if this were my dream…

There are a number of frightening influences in the outside world, from which I try to protect my family and myself. My son does not perceive the threat the same as I do, and he is allowing some outside influences to enter our home.

5) Finally, as you work through this process, ask yourself, where in your waking world is this happening? And, what was on your mind the night before you had the dream? It’s possible your inner detective is at work, giving you this dream as a warning. This thought came to me as I was projecting my own personal thoughts and feelings onto your dream: Does your son have two friends that you question may be a dangerous influence on him?

See more Dream Interpretation techniques…

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Cats biting toes…

Dreams about cats, cats biting toesDream:  My sister and I are sleeping but I woke up because our cats are biting our toes. I tried to shoo away the cats but they are not going away and continued biting me.

DreamsMaster:  If the cats in your dream are your actual cats in the waking world, it’s possible the dream has more of a literal interpretation than a symbolic one. Your cats are insistent upon getting your attention, trying to stir you to action. Have you been questioning the well-being of your cats lately? Have you been tending to their needs, such as giving them plenty of water and keeping their litter box clean?

On a symbolic level, cats in dreams often represent our feminine side, and to be awaken by cats could symbolize a personal awakening to one’s femininity. Cats also symbolize intuition. In this dream, the cats are persistently biting at your toes and you’re trying to shoo them away. If it were my dream, I’d interpret this to mean that there’s resistance to accepting these developing aspects of myself. Also, since your sister is in the dream sleeping alongside you, it’s possible you recognize she’s unconscious about these developing aspects of herself as well.

In general, it appears that your dreaming mind is trying to give you a “wake-up call” to take care of some business. If it’s not literally about your cats, then think of what else in your daily life has been nagging at you, and will not go away until you give it your full attention.

See also:

Tortoises inside temple…

tortoises, tortoise and hare, dream metaphor, dream symbolDream:  I see colourful multiple tortoises inside temple.

DreamsMaster:  A tortoise in a dream often symbolizes wisdom, strength and patience. Its ability to escape danger by retreating into its shell also makes it a symbol of protection and healing. In Hinduism, the tortoise is said to bear the burden of the whole world on his back, and was the second of Lord Vishnu’s numerous avatars.

Since the tortoises in your dream are inside a temple, they could represent the strength and diversity of your own personal foundation and spirituality. The dream may also be directing you toward your calling – consider the idea that the tortoise represents your own traits of wisdom, strength, patience and healing. How could you put these marvelous aspects into action?

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Killed a lion…

LionDream:  I killed a lion.

DreamsMaster:  What powerful symbolism! In order to determine what the dream means, start by defining what a lion represents to you personally.

For example, if it were my dream, these are some adjectives I would use to describe a lion: strong, powerful, protective, dangerous, wild. Would any of those descriptions fit for you as well? What other words would you use to describe a lion?

Next, provide more details about the dream:
– What events led up to you killing the lion?
– Were you feeling threatened by it?
– Was there a struggle?
– How did you kill it? Was it with weapons, or with your bare hands?
– Was it a male lion with a mane, or was it a female?
– What feelings did you have in the dream? Did you feel afraid, fearless, powerful?

As you answer all of these questions (and any others that come to mind as you run through this exercise), watch for a theme to emerge, and then see how that theme may be occurring in your waking world.

For example, let’s say the lion is behaving in a threatening manner. One possible theme could be:  I’m feeling threatened by someone or something I perceive as being very powerful and needs to be destroyed. But I am more powerful than the other, who is not really a threat after all.

Finally, once you’ve reached some satisfying conclusions about the symbolism of the lion and the theme of the dream, ask yourself, where in your life does this fit for you? Is there a [powerful, strong, wild] person in your life that you perceive as a threat that needs to be eliminated? Or, is there a [powerful, strong, wild] part of yourself that you consider threatening and feel the need to subdue?

You can see how many directions a dream can take you, and how only the dreamer can uncover the true meaning of a dream. In fact, here’s another angle this dream could take depending on the dreamer’s own personal frame of reference — Do you pay attention to astrology? If so, is there a Leo in your life? ☺

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Rat under the bed…

RatDream:  I was in this old dirty house and a rat ran under the bed.

DreamsMaster: This dream is quite possibly a warning that your health and well-being may be at risk.

There are two primary symbols: a house and a rat.

Symbolically, a house in a dream often represents one’s self. In your dream, this house is “old” and “dirty”.

A rat often represents disease. Depending on your personal association to a rat, it may also represent someone not to be trusted.

Perhaps you’re not practicing good self-care by over-indulging in food, drugs or alcohol. If so, the dream may be warning you to use better judgment before your world starts crumbling around and within you.

If you feel you are indeed practicing good self-care, then the dream could be warning you of some other possible threat to your general well-being. It could be in the form of a disease lurking within your system, and if you’ve been experiencing physical symptoms, I encourage you to consult a doctor.  The threat could also be coming from a person in your life who is unhealthy for you to be around.

Consider these options I’ve presented and contemplate other possibilities that come to mind as you read this. Only the dreamer can determine the true meaning of a dream, but my gut tells me this is a dream requiring some action on your part in order to steer clear of danger.

Read more about Dream Interpretation…

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