
What does it mean to dream about animals?

Most popular dreams this month on…

Most Popular Dreams This Month

Check out this month’s most popular dreams on! Out of the dozens of dreams posted to to date, these six captured the most views in the past month.

They tease me now, telling me it was only a dream. But does it matter whether it was a dream or reality, if the dream made known to me the truth?

– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Blue spider crawling in my bed…

Blue spider crawling in my bedDream:   I had a dream about a blue spider crawling in my bed.

DreamsMaster:   There are three symbols to consider in this dream. Let’s look at each individually, then pull together a theme.

⇒ Spider:  Since spiders are generally associated with webs, dreaming about a spider often represents a sense of being “caught in a web” or feeling trapped or manipulated. On the other hand, a spider is also often associated with creativity and femininity.

Many people have an instinctive fear of spiders. Do you? Did the image of the spider in your dream evoke a sense of fear and panic, or did you feel something else as you watched it crawl in your bed?

⇒ Blue: It’s significant that you distinctly remember the spider being the color blue. Although it’s believed that most dreams are in color, we only tend to remember a color if it particularly stands out to us. If you’re familiar with spiders and know that some are blue, then for you a blue spider may represent the qualities you know those blue spiders to have (for example, some blue spiders are poisonous).

On the other hand, if you are not familiar with different types of spiders, then the color blue would be more symbolic. Generally speaking, the color blue often symbolizes peace and tranquility, as well as freedom and inspiration. Blue is also the color of the throat chakra, which represents communication and creativity. If you were to see a blue spider in the waking world, would you find it fearful or beautiful? Seeing a fearful creature crawling in your bed would have much different meaning from seeing a beautiful or awesome creature crawling in your bed. For example, if you find this blue spider to be fascinating and intriguing, it could mean that your creative side will soon spin a fantastic masterpiece.

⇒ Bed:  A bed is a place where we rest and rejuvenate, and also a place where we dream (both literally and metaphorically). A bed is frequently associated with relationships and intimacy as well.

Now, put all this together into a theme that fits for you, and consider the message within. For example:

– Have you been experiencing creative urges? If so, the dream may be confirming that now is the time to engage your creative energy.

– Are you in relationship with someone you suspect may be toxic or manipulative? Perhaps you hadn’t considered this yet, but the dream may be your intuition sending you a warning.

Think of what was on your mind the night you had the dream, and see if you can connect it to any of these ideas. Also, think about the feeling you had in the dream, and try to associate it with that feeling in your waking world. A connection between the two will come to you, if it hasn’t already.

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Dreaming about sharks…

Dreaming about sharksDream: What is the meaning of dreaming about sharks.

DreamsMaster:  A shark means different things to different people. So, start by thinking about how you personally would describe a shark, and then consider how this description and the theme of the dream apply to your daily life.

For example… if you dream of a shark and you think a shark is a cold-hearted, insensitive predator, then look to your waking world and ask yourself if anyone you know fits that description. In this case, a dream of a shark may be a warning to watch out for someone trying to take advantage of you.

On the other hand, to a person who works closely with sea animals and knows sharks are victims of overfishing and at risk of extinction, a dream about sharks could represent one’s feelings of being misunderstood – feeling perceived as the aggressor yet is actually the victim.

The shark in your particular dream may represent a person in your life who fits your personal description, or if there are multiple sharks, perhaps a group or community in which you’re involved. The shark may also represent an aspect of your own personality that you’re coming to terms with.

To more fully understand the meaning of the dream, the next questions to ask yourself include:

  • What were the sharks doing in the dream? Were they just swimming around aimlessly, were they attacking a victim, or were they being attacked themselves?
  • What feelings did you have in the dream? Were you scared? Involved? Angry?
  • What was on your mind the night you had the dream?

Oh, and one more note… if you’re into hockey, to dream of a shark may have an entirely different meaning if you follow the San Jose Sharks!

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Puppy went missing…

Puppy, dogDream: I have a 5 month old puppy. In my dream my puppy went missing. Every time I thought I saw him it wasn’t him. It was like I was finding all his brothers and sisters or ones that resembled him, but it was never him.

DreamsMaster: Before you fell asleep, do you recall having anything on your mind related to your puppy? For example, had you made a mental note of a risky area in your home or on your property that you thought you should attend to, such as a broken cabinet door or a hole underneath the fence? We often store things “in the back of our mind” that we intend to get to later but then forget about them, and these are the very things that appear in our dreams as reminders or warnings. So for starters, heed the possible literal warning in this dream and take a look around your place to be sure your puppy is safe in his surroundings.

After you’ve considered the literal meaning of the dream, next take a look at the symbolic meaning. A puppy is like a child, dependent and vulnerable. Since the puppy in your dream is your actual puppy in waking life, to dream that he’s gone missing could represent a part of yourself questioning or fearing your ability to live up to the responsibility this new parenting role demands.

In general, a puppy in a dream may represent a new relationship, one that has the potential to grow into a strong bond (dogs are known for their loyalty and being a best friend). To have a puppy or dog go missing could represent someone or something close to your heart that you are anxious about losing. It might even represent a fear of losing or “missing” the trusting, loyal, spontaneous part of yourself.

Interesting that in the dream you saw lots of other puppies that resembled yours, but you knew it was never him. The attachment you have to your puppy – your new relationship – this part of yourself – is genuine and unique. There is no replacement, and your loyalty to this being is as strong as a dog’s loyalty would be to you.

In summary, if this were my dream, the underlying message may be to stay alert to my needs and those I care about, and to not take them for granted. If left unattended, they may inadvertently stray.

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Thin ice and mice…

MiceDream: For the past two nights I’ve dreamed of my deceased dad in bed. On both occasions he never spoke. One dream I was walking on ice that was about to break, but i jumped into the bed he was on and the ice stop breaking. The other bed dream there were mice infested in the room we were in.

DreamsMaster: A bed often represents a resting place, and since your deceased dad is in bed in both dreams, perhaps this is a way of you coming to terms with him “resting in peace”. The fact that both dreams are anxiety-provoking leads me to think that something unsettling is going on in your waking life, and perhaps you’re wishing you had your dad to turn to for help.

There’s a clear metaphor in the first dream: Where in your life do you feel you’re “walking on thin ice”, or in a precarious situation? You reached out for your father in the dream for protection. If your father were alive, what words of wisdom might he share with you to get you through this difficult time?

Water or ice in a dream may also represent one’s emotions. Viewed from this perspective, this dream scene could represent a fragile or vulnerable emotional state. If your father died relatively recently (“recently” is purely subjective), or if the dream occurred around the anniversary of his death or other event when you’re particularly aware of his absence, the dream could be connected with a wave of grief surfacing, breaking through the thin veneer of “holding it together”.

As for the second dream, mice may symbolize different things depending on your personal association with mice. From your description, mice infesting a room could symbolize certain situations or people in your life becoming overwhelming. A mouse may also represent timidity. In this case, the dream could be sending you a message to be more forthright – perhaps a trait your dad had, or would encourage you to have.

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