
How do dreams relate to self-image?

Seeing money in my dreams…

seeing moneyDream: For the past three days I’ve been seeing money in my dreams.

DreamsMaster: Money in a dream is often symbolic of your own value or worth. It may also represent good fortune coming your way. A key question is what you mean by “seeing money”. What seeing money in your dream means depends on the context. If you are finding money on the ground, for example, it could represent good fortune coming your way through unexpected sources. If you see money in the hands of others but not yourself, you may be sensing others are getting recognized for their valuable contributions but not you.

Think about the feelings you have in the dream surrounding the money, and also consider what’s been on your mind this past week that may have to do with your value or self-worth. Since this is a repetitive dream, something in your subconscious is working hard to get your attention. Once you identify the message, determine a course of action you can take to honor it.

If the message of the dream continues to escape you, when you next lay down to sleep ask yourself for another clarifying dream. Here’s a link to a page on that provides information on how to plant a dream seed, also known as dream incubation.

See also:

Cloth on the rearview mirror…

Dream about rearview mirrorDream: I dreamt that someone was tying a white piece of cloth on the rearview mirror in my car.

DreamsMaster: Interesting. Let’s start by looking at the dream symbols one at a time, and then piecing them together into possible interpretations. As you read, keep in mind these are just my own projections, and sift through the thoughts and images to identify what fits for you.

Someone: Did you know the person who was doing this? If so, the dream may be related to your relationship with this person. If not, the person may represent a part of yourself. Consider what adjectives you would use to describe this person. For example, was it a man or a woman? What was the mood of the person as s/he was tying? Was s/he angry? Happy? Serious?

White piece of cloth: white is the color of purity; it is also the color of surrender, such as waving a white flag – which may also be fitting as to this being a white piece of cloth. The term white-wash comes to mind as well. I can also see this as a blindfold.

Tying: was the cloth being tied in such a way as to cover the rearview mirror, or was it being tied to the attachment just below it? If covering the mirror, this person or part of yourself appears to be shielding your vision, perhaps covering up the truth. If not covering the mirror but hanging below it, this more likely resembles the metaphor of waving a white flag of surrender.

Rearview mirror: view of what’s behind; glimpse of the past; reflection of oneself.

My car: independence; self-image; transition; journey.

As you read this, are you starting to connect the dots? Here are a few ideas for how to piece it all together, if it were my dream…

  • Part of myself is attempting to white-wash the past, to keep me from seeing things as they really were.
  • I need to stop looking at the past in a negative light; stop letting the past direct my future.
  • I need to surrender – release control, stop resisting – in order to journey ahead.

Have you felt the “AHA!” moment yet, that sense of recognition of the meaning of the dream? For more hints, think about what was on your mind the night you had the dream.

See also:

  • Dream interpretation techniques
  • Popular dream themes
  • Dreams library


Pop all over the bathroom…

Pop all over the bathroomDream: Saw pop all over the bathroom.

DreamsMaster: By “pop” do you mean soda pop, like coca cola? A bathroom in a dream often represents a need to release unpleasant feelings. In your dream the bathroom is covered with pop, something sweetened. Putting it together, this dream could be a metaphor for “sugar-coating your feelings”. If it were my dream, the takeaway message could be that I need to take a more honest look at my feelings about something going on in my life – sugar-coating them will only make an already unpleasant situation even stickier.

On a more literal level… it’s possible in the back of your mind you’ve been noticing mildew collecting, and the dream is a warning that it will take over unless you take action soon!

See also:

Watching myself die…

Watching myself dieDream: I have been having a weird dream where I am being attacked by my family and I get lifted out of my body watching myself die!!!

DreamsMaster: In the world of dreams, death is symbolic of new life – out with the old, in with the new. Some part of you is dying off, making room for another part with clear vision to move forward.

Perhaps you have felt like a victim in your family, or what’s sometimes referred to as the “identified problem”, the target of blame for family conflict. If so, the dream could represent that you now have the ability to rise above that role and leave it behind.

If this is a recurring dream, pay careful attention to how the dream evolves. This will give you a clue as to whether or not you’re on the right track in regards to the message your inner self is trying to give you. If you continue to feel stuck, check out these tips for dream incubation, a process in which you can plant a seed to get more specific information from your sleeping mind.

See also:

Dirty laundry…

Dirty laundryDream:   I dreamed of my late mother giving me a tongue lashing about me leaving my dirty clothes everywhere in my room.

DreamsMaster:  My sense is that you’re feeling guilty about something, and your late mother in your dream represents your conscience giving yourself a beating.

What might you be feeling guilty about? Think about what leaving dirty clothes around might mean on both literal and symbolic levels. For example, perhaps you feel your life is not as tidy as you think it should be, or that maybe you should be taking greater responsibility and control of your life. On a symbolic or metaphorical level, “dirty clothes” could represent “dirty laundry” – an expression having to do with unfinished business in the past. Do you have unfinished business you’ve been ignoring, loose ends that need to be tidied up?

See also: