Tag Archive: power

Killed cheetah and lion with scimitar…

Killed cheetah and lion with scimitarDream: I dreamt that I first killed a cheetah and afterwards a large majestic, ferocious and yet beautiful female lion. They were trying to attack some people in a kind of a huge mansion. The craziest thing was that I had killed them both with a freaking scimitar! And I was the only one in my dream to step forward while all others had stepped back or fled the scene (it was a huge floor and the surroundings kind of resembled a small coliseum in a huge mansion). I wasn’t scared at all from the big cats. I actually felt brave and confident. They didn’t give that much of a struggle even though they were showing teeth and growling at me. They tried to get in close but I kept fending them off. The cheetah was the first one to die, and afterwards I threw the lion to the ground and held it down with one foot so it wouldn’t get up and meanwhile I slowly shoved the scimitar into its heart. The weirdest thing was that after I killed the lion I felt kind of sorry for it because it was such a majestic and beautiful animal. I remember wanting to skin the lion and to wear its hide.

DreamsMaster: This dream is rich with symbolism, which can only be fully interpreted by you. However, because you provided so much detail, I can more easily project myself into the dream and provide interpretation ideas for your consideration.

Cheetah and female lion: Power, aggression, beauty. These powerful felines could symbolize these aspects in yourself, or they may symbolize outside forces such as other individuals or even nations that have majestic and beautiful aspects yet at the same time may be perceived as a threat.

Mansion/coliseum: In dreams, dwellings or buildings generally represent the self or ego. To dream of a mansion could symbolize an expansive ego or sense of self. The fact that others are in this mansion and you feel the need to protect them could mean that you feel you have an expanded sense of personal power and resourcefulness. Also, the fact that the inside of the mansion resembles a coliseum could represent the sense that you feel you are the center of attention in an important contest.

Scimitar: A trusted source cited the scimitar as a weapon that originated in the Middle East, popular within Islamic armies. To dream of killing with this ancient weapon could represent a desire to take control and conquer a perceived threat to one’s deep-seated cultural roots.

If this were my dream, the dream may represent a strong desire to demonstrate my personal power, pride and dignity in the face of a threat that I perceive as majestic yet vulnerable.

See also:

Worst nightmare ever…

Worst nightmareDream:  I had the worst nightmare ever… I was in a bunk bed and there was a naked male baby doll next to me.  It was whispering stuff and had his finger over his lip saying sssshhhhh… I was so scared and I couldn’t get up, I felt trapped.

DreamsMaster:  When I project myself into this dream, I get the sense of feeling extremely powerless and vulnerable. However, when I look at the dream from the outside, the source of the threat is actually not the least bit threatening – a baby doll. So the key question for you is, what exactly about this baby doll do you find threatening?

The doll is male and naked. Was there an event in your childhood where you were sexually threatened by a man, felt trapped and powerless to stand up for yourself? Have you held onto this secret into your adult life?

Here’s how I suggest you take action in regards to this dream. Write or draw the dream, then add to the story line and/or the drawing a new ending. For example, the dream ends with you not being able to get up. Instead, imagine the dream ending with you getting up, looking down at the baby doll, and speaking your mind. Yell at it, throw it across the room or out the window, whatever fits for you. The point is to reverse the feelings of being powerless and vulnerable into feeling powerful and confident. If you indeed have been holding onto a secret, it’s time to let go of it and free yourself of any unnecessary shame you’ve been carrying by keeping it.

Role-playing like this with dream symbols can have a very powerful effect. If this interpretation strikes a chord and the thought of doing the exercise on your own makes you anxious, ask a trusted friend or counselor to be there with you.

See also:

Not flying solo this time…

Not flying soloDream: I often have flying dreams, but in last night’s dream I was not flying solo. This time I was flying while carrying my younger brother with me, and I wasn’t flying high like I do when I’m flying alone. Please what’s the meaning?

DreamsMaster: Flying in a dream is often a metaphor for being able to rise above conflict. In your dream you’re carrying your younger brother with you. In your waking life, do you perceive your brother to be in some type of danger or in the midst of some type of conflict? If so, the dream could represent your desire to rescue him – or rescue you both – from some perceived danger or conflict. The fact that you couldn’t fly as high as if you were alone could represent an awareness that it would be easier for you if you were free to “fly solo” as opposed to carrying the weight of responsibility for your brother, but it’s significant that you’re able to maintain a sense of control despite the added weight.

See also:


Powerful lucid dream I had…

Lucid dreamDream: I just want to share with you the powerful lucid dream that I had several days ago. I am in a building with a lot of people. I ask the question, “What is my life purpose?” Suddenly I appear on the top floor of the building with walls around me and a ceiling above. The space is very small so I feel very cramped but there is no way out. I start to worry that my answer will not show up in this cramped space. But then I suddenly realize that all the walls and the ceiling is just my mental projection in my dream, so I try to push my hands through the ceiling. I feel some resistance but I quickly rip the ceiling apart. Suddenly I fly out to this amazingly beautiful scene – beautiful sunshine, blue sky, blue-green sparkling water surrounded by trees, white boats in the water, a sun deck sitting in the middle of the water where people are talking and having fun. Life is meant to be enjoyed! I continue to fly and see some dark clouds. The dark clouds feel dense and cold. I know that I have to fly through them. I realize that life has many challenges which are there for me to grow. Once I fly through the dark clouds, the scenery becomes beautiful again. But the boats in the water start to rise above the water into the sky. I know that I have to pull them back into the water, so I start to pull really hard on a rope to try to pull the boats back into the water. Some other people also come to help. I realize that life is about helping others, also working together with others. Another insight of my lucid dream is that most of time we are so stuck in our own mind, as represented by the cramped space, there is no way for us to see the truth of what life is really about!

DreamsMaster: Thank you for sharing this powerful lucid dream! I will post on Dreams.com for others to see, as this is a marvelous example of a lucid dream and the innermost lessons dreams of all sorts can provide.

See also:

Penis cut halfway…

Penis cutDream: I dreamt of my penis cut halfway last night.

DreamsMaster: The dream is likely a metaphor for having felt “emasculated” or put down by someone in a demeaning way, left to feel “half the man” that you are, or “cut down to size.” Did something happen recently where you felt your power diminished?

A penis may also symbolically represent performance. From this perspective, it’s possible this dream represents some type of performance anxiety, either literally or metaphorically. Is there a situation occurring in your life where you’re feeling a lack of strength or confidence?

Another angle to consider with this dream is the connection to circumcision, which could lead to an interpretation regarding religion. For example, in religious circles, circumcision represents a commitment or bond. In this context, to dream of a penis cut halfway could symbolize the exaggerated extent of this commitment. If the feeling in the dream is fear or anger, then the dream might be sending the message that the scope of this commitment needs to be reevaluated to determine what boundaries need to be set.

On the other hand, religious or not, the dream could represent a sense of guilt related to sex or sexuality, with the penis cut halfway symbolizing a self-imposed consequence or punishment.

As you can see by the broad array of possible interpretations, the true interpretation of the dream is up to the dreamer. If you haven’t gotten that “Aha!” feeling while reading any off these possible interpretations, then think about what was on your mind when you went to sleep, and it’s likely you’ll easily connect the dots. If it’s still unclear, watch for another clarifying dream from your inner mind in the days ahead.

See also: