Tag Archive: power

Fiancé cheating and threatening me…

Threatening, cheatingDream:  I have had two dreams of my fiancé having an affair and or leaving me. The first dream I dreamed that he was cheating on me and I tried to leave him and then he pulled his shotgun on me and said that he would kill me if I left him. The second dream I dreamed that he left me and said that I was too boring and took too many pictures. What do these mean?!!

DreamsMaster:  Let’s take each of these dreams individually, then look at the possible connection between them…

In the first dream, your fiancé is cheating on you and threatens to kill you if you leave him. There are strong themes of Trust and Control here, or more precisely, the lack of both.

In the second dream, he said you were “boring and took too many pictures”. If this were my dream, that statement would represent an accusation that I tend to be an observer in life more than a participant. Since your fiancé is your own projection in this dream, I would consider this being a form of self-criticism. Do you have concerns about being too passive in your life or in this relationship?

Considering both of these dreams together, the key question I have for you is, do you trust this man that you intend to marry? The follow-on question is, do you trust that marrying this person is truly in your best interest, or are you feeling threatened by a sense of powerlessness and lack of control in the relationship?

Our dreams are our inner detective at work. If you’ve been sensing that this man has been emotionally distancing from you or has been acting in a controlling manner that from the outside appears caring but on the inside feels oppressive, these dreams may be sending you a warning that this relationship is not right for you.

On the other hand, if you cannot relate to the above and you sincerely do trust this man, then these dreams may represent some deep set insecurity that you don’t feel worthy of being in a relationship, thus setting up scenarios to try to sabotage it.

See also:

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Shaking hands with the president…

shaking hands with the presidentDream:  I dreamed about shaking hands with the president and having a lively conversation with him.

DreamsMaster:  A president generally represents someone with power and control. To shake hands with the president in a dream could mean that you’re getting in touch with your own inner power and have a sense of control over your life right now. The fact that the two of you are engaged in lively conversation suggests that this sense of power and control are manifesting in your life in the areas of creativity and communication.

Is it clear in the dream which president, specifically, you are shaking hands with? If so, is he the president of the country you currently reside in, or does he preside over a different country? Is this president someone whose political views you generally agree with, or not? These additional pieces of information can add further clarity to the dream’s meaning. For example, if it’s a president you associate with a specific political position that you’ve protested in the past, shaking hands with him in your dream may mean your position or attitude about that subject has become more aligned with his.

When you awoke from the dream, did you have any recollection of the conversation itself? Also, was this “lively conversation” friendly in nature, or was there an edge of conflict or hostility? The nature and tone of the dialog could shed additional light on the dream’s meaning as well.

See more dream interpretation techniques…

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Car chase…

Dream about a car chaseDream:  I had a dream about being in a car chase. I wasn’t driving, a girl with brown hair was. We were being chased and I sensed rivalry between the 2 cars. The second car was being driven by a guy, but at the end 3 or 4 girls came out. I don’t understand what this means!

DreamsMaster:  There’s a lot going on here. Let’s take a piece at a time then pull it all together and see what comes. I’ll project my own thoughts onto your dream, but then it’s up to you to provide your own meanings and make it your own.

First, I’m going to call out the main symbols and themes and suggest what they might mean if it were my dream…

– Car: Vehicle for getting from one place to another; source of independence.

– Someone else in the driver’s seat: Not feeling in control.

– Girl with brown hair: How would you describe this girl’s personality? I’m going to project onto her the character traits of Courage and Drive (pun intended).

– Rivalry between two cars: Could represent two parts of myself in conflict, competing.

– Second car being driven by a guy: How would you describe this guy? I project onto him the character trait of competing for the sake of ego.

– Several girls come out of the second car in the end: To me this adds to the idea that the second car represents ego, and the girls represent admiration – stroking the guy’s ego.

Putting this all together, if it were my dream, it could mean that there’s a part of me with the Courage and Drive to achieve my goals, competing with another part of me that’s caught up in my Ego and need for Admiration.  The fact that I’m a passenger in this drama means to me that I’m not taking control of the situation.

All that said, the message I might take away from the dream is that I need to be a more active participant in my life right now and not let circumstances and opinions of those around me dictate the goals I need to set for myself and my path to achieving them.

Read more Dream Interpretation techniques…

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Boyfriend cheating…

Dreams metaphor, dream symbolism, boyfriend cheatingDream:  I don’t know why I keep having dreams that my boyfriend is lying, cheating, and eventually leaving me. I have faith in our relationship. But, these dreams are tearing me apart. Please help me.

DreamsMaster:  If you truly trust your boyfriend and have faith in your relationship with him, then these dreams are likely a reflection of your own insecurity, or fear of not being in control. It’s as if you’re subconsciously pushing him out the door, perhaps thinking you’re not worthy of being treated otherwise, or perhaps operating on the “quit before you get fired” instinct.

If you’ve had boyfriends in the past who lied and cheated on you, then it’s possible you’re guarding yourself by preparing for the worst. Sadly, this approach may lead to the very outcome you fear – driving him away.

What’s most important here is to get solid footing of your own. Dreams of losing a boyfriend and feeling torn apart by it are a sign of you being overly dependent on a boyfriend for your own security and well being. The goal here is not to make those dreams go away; on the contrary, the goal is to allow the events to unfold and to not fall apart when they do.

The dream will stop tearing you apart once you recognize you can be whole with or without a man. In fact, once you gain this inner strength, you’ll likely stop having the dreams altogether… unless, your inner detective is actually picking up on some real (not imagined) clues. If this is the case, the dreams will persist until you “wake up” and stop denying the facts that are right in front of you – and take action to reclaim your personal power.

See also:

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Winning at rugby…

winning at rugbyDream:  I dreamt I was playing rugby and was running through the opposition scoring a lot of points, even kicking for goals… the match wasn’t finished and the opposition stopped the game.

DreamsMaster: What I see in your dream is this metaphor: you’re playing at the top of your game. You’re in command, overcoming all obstacles.

In the dream, did you feel that the opposition stopped the game because they surrendered? Or did it feel as if that was their way of gaining control over the situation?

In your waking world today, do you feel that you’re confidently achieving your goals? Do you also have the sense that there are others competing with you, trying to stop you in your tracks?

I suggest the dream’s message for you is to embrace the feeling of confidence in your endeavors, and don’t let the opposition or competition deter you from reaching your goals.

Read more about Dream Interpretation…