Tag Archive: power

I dream of killing…

Dream of killingDream:  Every night I dream of killing someone I know. I don’t know why, but I always end up killing someone in my dream.

DreamsMaster:  How you feel in these dreams is significant to their meaning. For example, are you angry when you’re killing, or are you remorseful? Can you identify that same feeling state in your daily life the day or night before the dreams?

Killing is an act of power. To be killing someone you know could be your inner mind’s way of trying to take control of a situation, to convert feeling powerless into feeling powerful. Have you been lacking assertiveness and giving your power away to others, to the point where you’re starting to resent them?

If a person you kill is not someone you’re particularly close to in your waking world, then your dreaming mind may be choosing that person to represent some aspect of yourself that you deem unacceptable and want to do away with.  Think about how you would describe that person you killed. Do you identify with any of those traits, particularly the ones you judge negatively? If so, your dreaming mind may be sending you the message to be more accepting and forgiving of yourself.

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Most popular dreams this month on Dreams.com…

Most Popular Dreams This Month

Check out this month’s most popular dreams on Dreams.com! Out of the dozens of dreams posted to Dreams.com to date, these six captured the most views in the past month.

They tease me now, telling me it was only a dream. But does it matter whether it was a dream or reality, if the dream made known to me the truth?

– Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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Dreaming about sharks…

Dreaming about sharksDream: What is the meaning of dreaming about sharks.

DreamsMaster:  A shark means different things to different people. So, start by thinking about how you personally would describe a shark, and then consider how this description and the theme of the dream apply to your daily life.

For example… if you dream of a shark and you think a shark is a cold-hearted, insensitive predator, then look to your waking world and ask yourself if anyone you know fits that description. In this case, a dream of a shark may be a warning to watch out for someone trying to take advantage of you.

On the other hand, to a person who works closely with sea animals and knows sharks are victims of overfishing and at risk of extinction, a dream about sharks could represent one’s feelings of being misunderstood – feeling perceived as the aggressor yet is actually the victim.

The shark in your particular dream may represent a person in your life who fits your personal description, or if there are multiple sharks, perhaps a group or community in which you’re involved. The shark may also represent an aspect of your own personality that you’re coming to terms with.

To more fully understand the meaning of the dream, the next questions to ask yourself include:

  • What were the sharks doing in the dream? Were they just swimming around aimlessly, were they attacking a victim, or were they being attacked themselves?
  • What feelings did you have in the dream? Were you scared? Involved? Angry?
  • What was on your mind the night you had the dream?

Oh, and one more note… if you’re into hockey, to dream of a shark may have an entirely different meaning if you follow the San Jose Sharks!

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Cut off at the knee…

Cracked mirror, cut off at the knee, shattered self-confidenceDream: My friend has asked me about his dream. He has dreamed the same dream for eight nights. He can’t remember anything about the dream except that his right leg is cut off at the knee.

DreamsMaster: Start with asking your friend if he can recall what was on his mind the night he first had the dream. Suggest he look at his calendar and see what events occurred that day, which may have contributed to what was on his mind. Something in his waking world triggered this dream, and the nightly recurrence of it is his subconscious mind’s way of emphasizing the importance of the message buried within.

That said, here are some ideas regarding how to interpret this dream…

In general, look for literal meanings first. In this case, the question would be if he’s been experiencing any problems with his right leg or right foot, such as pain or weakness. If so, the dream is a warning that there may be a health issue, and he should check with his doctor as soon as possible.

If the literal angle doesn’t fit, next look at possible metaphors and symbolism. For example, there’s the saying to be “cut off at the knees” which means to be beaten down, deflated, stopped in your tracks. Can he identify an event eight days ago that may have triggered these feelings in him? There’s also the expression to be “cut down to size”, referring to being criticized or belittled. Did something happen at work or socially that was a blow to his ego or self-confidence?

If he’s active in sports or self-defense, especially if his right leg is his dominant leg, then the dream may represent a sense of feeling powerless and defenseless. Again, look to events/thoughts/feelings that occurred at the original onset of the dream to help identify the trigger.

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Pushed into the fire…

Fire, pushed into fireDream: My 12 year old daughter has been having the same recurring nightmare for the past week and I am having trouble coming to terms with it and why she is having them or what it actually is trying to tell us.  Her dream consists of a fire and she is in the fire and sees everything but she sees herself as being dead. Then she sees a black figure who is pushing her into the fire.  She feels like the black figure is controlling her and making her do what it wants. I hope you can help us interpret this.

DreamsMaster: Fire is often a symbol of transformation or destruction. Seeing herself as being dead may represent a part of her that has died. A thought that comes to mind is that your daughter is at that age where her child self is dying off as she crosses the threshold to womanhood. Has she begun menstruating yet? It’s not uncommon for a girl to feel “pushed into” womanhood with the onset of a changing body and the accompanying unfamiliar feelings, both physical and emotional. Adolescence is a time in the lives of both boys and girls when there’s the sense of feeling out of control in both mind and body.

Work with your daughter to try to pinpoint what was going on for her at the time she began having the dream. Does she identify with the sense that her body is changing? If so, how does she feel about these changes?

If this physical angle doesn’t fit, is she having a difficult time at school in one of her classes, or perhaps being exposed to some bullying? A dark figure could represent the perceived bully, and the fire could symbolize her rage.

An effective way to deal with a recurring nightmare is to consciously go back into the dream and change the ending. This particular dream ends with “a black figure pushing her into the fire.” When I project myself into the dream, I feel powerless and fearful of the unknown, so I need to think about what action I can take to regain my power and sense of control.

If your daughter is game, sit down with her with paper and something to draw with (e.g., crayons, colored pencils, markers), and tell her to draw a picture of the black figure. Encourage her to draw it with as much detail as possible. Then, tell her to add to the picture whatever it needs in order for her to feel in control of the scene. For example, she could draw a heavy-duty steel cage around the dark figure, or an image of herself that’s 10 times larger than it, whatever fits for her. Then, when she feels like she’s put everything into the picture that she can think of and starts feeling less scared of the image, you can cap it off by having her manually shred the piece of paper — tear it into as many pieces as possible — and invite her to vocalize anything that comes to mind while she’s shredding. At this point it might turn into sort of a game, where you both can shout whatever you want at the figure to prove who’s in charge now!

The primary goal is to help her gain a feeling of power and control by defusing the imaginary threat. Once she feels empowered, then you can start talking with her about what threats exist for her in the waking world (i.e., the symbolism of the “dark figure”). Once the two of you have unlocked the mystery, the dream will no longer reoccur as a nightmare.

P.S. Your daughter is fortunate to have a mother who takes her dreams and nightmares seriously.

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